Clearcoat simulates an additional transparent layer on top of a base material, common in automotive paints, polished wood, and plastic coatings. This layer adds a second specular reflection with its own roughness and intensity values, independent of the underlying material properties.
Display Name |
Name |
Type |
Default |
enable_clearcoat |
bool |
false |
clearcoat_tint |
color |
1.0, 1.0, 1.0 |
clearcoat_transparency |
float |
1.0 |
clearcoat_reflection_roughness |
float |
0.0 |
clearcoat_weight |
float |
1.0 |
clearcoat_flatten |
float |
1.0 |
clearcoat_ior |
float |
1.56 |
clearcoat_bump_factor |
float |
1.0 |
clearcoat_normalmap_texture |
asset |
OmniPBR Enable Clearcoat Layer
Enables clear coat layer.
OmniPBR Clearcoat Tint
Base color of the clearcoat layer.
OmniPBR Clearcoat Transparency
- Weighted blend between the material and the clearcoat.
0 = Clearcoat
1 = Base material with clearcoat on top
OmniPBR Clearcoat Roughness
Isotropic roughness of the clearcoat. Usually 0.
OmniPBR Clearcoat Weight
The specular reflectivity of the clearcoat layer.
OmniPBR Clearcoat Flatten
Blends between the smooth normal and the bumped base normal.
OmniPBR Clearcoat IOR
Index of Refraction of the clearcoat layer.
OmniPBR Clearcoat Normal Map Strength
Scalar multiplier of the Clearcoat Normal Map.
OmniPBR Clearcoat Normal Map
Normal map for the clearcoat layer.
OmniPBR Clearcoat Normal Map Color Space