

  • RTX: Reduced RTX initialization time by around 50%.

  • RTX: Compositing backplate is now rendered for refraction and reflection.

  • RTX Real-Time: Improved translucency performance which had regressed when MDL distilling is enabled, reducing the cost to around 20% of what it was before this improvement. This includes bringing Vulkan performance to parity with DX.

  • RTX Interactive: Section plane no longer clips distant lights, which is the desired behavior and the same behavior as RTX Real-Time.

  • RTX Interactive: Improved alpha channel anti-aliasing quality.


  • RTX: Respect overrides for textures in MDL materials even if the texture is provided as a default texture, whereas previously the renderer would fall back to the default texture after reloading the scene.

  • RTX: Fixed a performance regression where enabling the Profiler was causing 90% perf drop.

  • RTX: Instance bounds exceeding the recommended maximum of 2^40 units are now ignored and a warning is instead logged, avoiding a crash.

  • RTX Real-Time: Fixed an issue where a second viewport would not refresh if Eco Mode had previously resulted in the view no longer being updated.

  • RTX Real-Time: Fixed an issue where specular appeared too dim when clearcoat lobe roughness was rougher than the base glossy lobe roughness.

  • RTX Real-Time: Fixed an issue where Global Volumetric Effects would flicker with multi-GPU enabled.

  • RTX Real-Time: Fixed an issue where the Global Volumetric Effects had large noise artifacts when density was higher than 1.

  • RTX Interactive: Fixed an issue where multi-color artifacts would appear if Optix denoising was enabled and the viewport was set to Fill Viewport.

  • RTX Interactive: Fixed a regression where the wrong bsdf was being invoked for hair rendering.

  • RTX Interactive: Fixed an issue where a thin outline would be visible around objects rendered against a Matte Object.

Known issues

  • RTX Interactive: UI responsiveness can lag when rendering complex volumes.

  • RTX Interactive: Toggling ‘Translucency as Opacity’ doesn’t reset the accumulation.

  • RTX Interactive: Backplate doesn’t refresh when changed if accumulation has stopped.