
Release Highlights

In this release, RTX Real-Time mode’s Sampled Direct Lighting is now the only supported direct lighting mode, further narrowing the fidelity gap with the reference RTX Interactive (Path Tracing) mode even for scenes with thousands of lights. DLSS Ray Reconstruction is also no longer optional since it is key to achieve high fidelity rendering in real-time. As a result of both changes, the rendering fidelity obtained from the RTX Real-Time mode with its default settings is significantly improved, and the number of settings needed to parametrize quality and performance has been greatly reduced.

Of note is also the addition of support for rounded corners and vertex displacement driven by MDL functions for both the RTX Real-Time and RTX Interactive (Path Tracing) modes.


  • RTX: Added mesh subdivision support for meshes with skeletal deformation.

  • RTX: Added support for instance-interpolation primvars in PointInstancer, for meshes.

  • RTX: Added support for vertex displacement driven by MDL displacement functions. It is disabled by default due to impacts on scene load time. It can be enabled in the Render Settings’s Common Materials settings, or with the command /rtx/material/enableMDLDisplacement.

  • RTX: Added support for rendering rounded corners driven by MDL rounded corner functions.

  • RTX Interactive: Added a View Normal AOV.

  • RTX Interactive: Added a Subsurface Filter AOV.

  • RTX Interactive: Added a Motion Vector AOV.


  • RTX: Significantly improved multi-GPU rendering performance of Omni UI scene widgets.

  • RTX: Improved skelmesh performance.

  • RTX: Curves geometry is now cached, speeding up scene load time.

  • RTX: Improved auto-exposure by ignoring pixels with zero alpha in the luminance histogram.

  • RTX: For the Render Settings UI, transient Texture Compression settings and the Disable Material Loading setting have been moved to the Debug section.

  • RTX: Improved Camera Type UX to reduce confusion by adding an explicit Rtxsensor type, since Lidar and Radar were resulting in assigning an Rtxsensor anyway.

  • RTX Real-Time: DLSS Ray Reconstruction is now always enabled, no longer optional. All other denoising settings have been removed as they are no longer supported.

  • RTX Real-Time: Removed deprecated Exposure and Sharpening settings from DLSS render settings UI.

  • RTX Real-Time: Sampled Direct Lighting is now always on, no longer optional. Settings which were exclusive to non-Sampled Direct Lighting have also been removed.

  • RTX Real-Time: Eco Mode is now enabled by default.

  • RTX Real-Time: Improved anisotropic specular fidelity, reducing the gap with RTX Interactive.

  • RTX Real-Time: Enabled ‘Depth Correction for DoF’ by default.


  • RTX: Fixed an issue where setting one viewport to Orthographic view in a multi-viewport session causes flicker on the other viewport.

  • RTX: Improved texture sampler feedback mip calculation, which results in more efficient mip selection for texture streaming for both image quality and memory usage.

  • RTX Real-Time: Fixed an issue were UI gizmos would cause artifacts after Eco Mode paused rendering.

  • RTX Real-Time: Fixed a boundary issue with alpha channel during sequence export which caused the alpha to have a 1-pixel-sized black border.

  • RTX Interactive: Fixed Volume AOV, which previously always returned black.

  • Fixed multiple crashes.

Known issues

  • RTX Interactive: UI responsiveness can lag when rendering complex volumes.