
Release Highlights#

In this release, we’ve exposed an option which allows you to enable a preview of a new RTX Real-Time mode which will eventually replace the current real-time mode. It provides an improved user experience by having fewer settings to adjust, while achieving closer parity with the RTX Interactive mode’s visual fidelity and feature set such as Light Linking, AOVs, and Multi Matte. It is backwards compatible and should result in, at a minimum, the same quality or better than the current one without having to change any setting or content.

There are two ways to enable this option:

  • In the Preferences/Rendering panel, toggle “Enable RTX - Real-Time 2.0 (Preview)”. This will require restarting the app.

  • Or use this command at startup: --/persistent/renderer/rtpt/enabled=true

The option will then be available as “RTX - Real Time 2.0 (Preview)” in the viewport’s renderer dropdown list as an additional distinct render mode to make it easy to compare its results against the current real-time mode.


Currently, multi-GPU is automatically disabled when using “RTX - Real Time 2.0 (Preview)” and will be supported in a following release. Objects behind glass may also appear blurry in movement, but this will be improved to parity or better than the current mode in a future release.


  • Added “Enable RTX - Real-Time 2.0 (Preview)”. Enable with either:

    • The Preferences/Rendering menu. This will require restarting the app.

    • This command at startup: --/persistent/renderer/rtpt/enabled=true


  • RTX: Matte Object now excludes Dome Lights from its glossy reflection, as otherwise it could appear as if reflected twice; once on the matte object and once in the background itself.

  • RTX Real-Time: The DLSS mode “Auto” has been modified to preserve more quality at a low resolution than it did previously, at the cost of some performance and increased memory usage.

  • RTX Real-Time: Reduced the amount of artifacts which could appear on translucent materials if DLSS Frame Generation was enabled.


  • RTX: Fixed an issue where some measured materials would render as black.

  • RTX: Fixed an issue where if Geometry Streaming was enabled, animation for curves or meshes were stuttering or not moving.

  • RTX: Fixed a crash which could occur when LOD generation was enabled.

  • RTX: Fixed that previously, Dome Light’s Specular and Diffuse multipliers were ignored for translucent materials.

Known issues#

  • RTX Interactive: UI responsiveness can lag when rendering complex volumes.