Albedo defines the base color of a surface before lighting calculations. Unlike diffuse color in traditional materials, albedo represents only the pure color reflection of a surface, excluding lighting, shadows, or reflective properties.
Display Name |
Name |
Type |
Default |
diffuse_color_constant |
color |
0.2, 0.2, 0.2 |
diffuse_texture |
asset |
albedo_desaturation |
float |
0.0 |
albedo_add |
float |
0.0 |
albedo_brightness |
float |
1.0 |
diffuse_tint |
color |
1.0, 1.0, 1.0 |
Base Color
This parameter sets the diffuse color or tint of the material.
Albedo Map
Accepts a texture file to define color values.
Albedo Map Color Space
Albedo Desaturation
Removes color saturation. This can be used to create a more monochromatic look for the material.
- The range is as follows:
0 = Unaffected
1 = Monochromatic.
Albedo Add
Add (or subtract) the Base Color from the albedo Map.
Albedo Brightness
Adjusts the brightness of the albedo map.
Color Tint
Color multiplier of the albedo Map.