RTX – Accurate (Iray) Release Notes



  • Integration of Iray 2023.0

  • Caustic Sampler 2.0

  • Integrated particle support

Known issues

  • Light and camera icons / manipulators and Grid are not showing in Iray

  • Some settings in Common render settings are not supported in Iray



  • Added ‘Guided Sampling’ setting in ‘Accurate (Iray)/Render Settings’: Enabling this option will usually help convergence speed of interior or other complicated scenes at the price of slightly increased rendering times per iteration and higher memory usage. Thus, simple scenes such as turntable-like objects will not profit, and may even render a bit slower.

  • Added ‘Backplate Refraction’ settings in ‘Accurate (Iray)/Render Settings’: Forces perfectly specular, non-thin walled materials to respect the virtual backplate. Note that this can lead to visible discontinuities on complex geometric shapes due to the mixture of both the backplate (texture and color) and environment dome contributions.

  • Added ‘Iray Server’ settings in ‘Accurate (Iray)’: Iray can connect to an Iray Server running on a different machine. Iray server is a stand alone application connecting via a network. More info here: https://www.irayplugins.com/iray-server/

  • Added ‘Environment Sample Count’ setting in ‘Accurate (Iray)/Advanced’: Increase this to get a higher quality when baking the dome light.

  • Added ‘Window Glass Optimization’ setting in ‘Accurate (Iray)/Advanced’: Check this if you need faster rendering in cases where light is travelling through e.g. flat window panes.

  • Added ‘Use Iray’s Built-In Denoiser’ setting in ‘Accurate (Iray)/Advanced’: Check this if you want to use Iray’s internal denoiser (recommended for an Iray Server connection).

  • Added ‘Temporal Denoising During Navigation’ setting in ‘Accurate (Iray)/Advanced’: The Temporal Denoiser is used during Navigation.


  • Fixed ‘Iray won’t write a correct HDR EXR frame (capped at 1.0).’

  • Fixed ‘Iray sometimes crashes when rendering dense hair curves.’

Known issues

  • Light and camera icons / manipulators and Grid are not showing in Iray

  • Some settings in Common render settings are not supported in Iray