
RTX - Common


  • Changed default slider range for FFT bloom scale to be more practical

Bug fixes

  • Fixed “Geometries with time-varying primvars can crash”

  • Fixed “Incorrect computation of the max theoratical mip count”. Previously, textures could appear slightly lower resolution than intended if Texture Max Resolution was lower.

  • Fixed “Crash after changing Texture Streaming Memory Budget on Vulkan”

  • Fixed “Section tool: masked-part looks dark instead of invisible”

  • Fixed “Scene reload is required to see updated camera clipping value”

  • Fixed “Sometimes the render settings are lost during a Save As”

Known issues

  • Closing the application while a material is loading may hang the application.

RTX - Real-Time

Bug fixes

  • Fixed “Scaled Curve Primitives lead to incorrect rendering”

  • Fixed “With Eco Mode turned on, changing Focus Distance or F-Stop does not update the view”

Known issues

  • SSS sometimes has bright sparkles.

  • Dark bands are visible on sky mesh when both “Global Volumetric Effects” and Translucency “Fractional Cutout Opacity” are enabled.

  • Textures are not supported in Rect Lights unless Sampled Direct Lighting is enabled.

RTX - Interactive (Path Tracing)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed “When using UsdPreviewSurface, cutout parts sometimes appear black.”

  • Fixed “Scaled Curve Primitives lead to incorrect rendering.”

Known issues

  • Some AOVs cannot be enabled in the Render Settings.