
In directory: usdrt/scenegraph/usd/physxSchema

Source file: usdrt/scenegraph/usd/physxSchema/physxVehicleTankDifferentialAPI.h


  • usdrt::PhysxSchemaPhysxVehicleTankDifferentialAPI: Differential to set up a wheeled tank vehicle. Describes which wheels of a vehicle are part of the tank tracks. The wheels in each tank track have a constraint applied to them to enforce the rule that they all have the same longitudinal speed at the contact point between the wheel and the tank track. Driven wheels that are not part of a tank track receive the torque split specified in physxVehicleMultiWheelDifferential:torqueRatios. Has to be applied to a prim with PhysxVehicleAPI applied. Can only be used for vehicles that have a standard drive (see PhysxVehicleDriveStandardAPI).
