Defined in omni/audio/experimental/IAudioCapture.h
struct Format
The minimal format needed to interpret an PCM audio stream.
Non-PCM (compressed) audio streams may need different format information or no format information to interpret.
Public Members
size_t frameRate = 0
The rate at which this audio stream is intended to be played (number of audio frames per second).
A frame is a group of channels audio samples taken at a given time point; this is often referred to as the ‘sample rate’.
size_t channels = 0
The number of channels in the audio stream.
SpeakerMode channelMask = carb::audio::kSpeakerModeDefault
This specifies the intended usage of each channel in the audio stream.
This will be a combination of one or more of the carb::audio::Speaker names or a carb::audio::SpeakerMode name.
SampleFormat format = SampleFormat::eDefault
The data type of each audio sample in this audio stream.
size_t frameRate = 0