Basic Action Graph Concepts

Action Graphs enable specific behaviors and changes to a USD stage through a node-based interface.

Action Graphs are created via the Create > Visual Scripting dropdown. The examples provided are focused on Action Graphs (ignore the Lazy and Push graphs). Once a graph prim is created, the prim is loaded into the Graph Editor Window. Right-click on any graph prim in the stage and select Open Graph to open that graph directly into the Graph Editor.

Each node in a graph represents a single action (e.g., changing attributes, multiplying numbers, setting variants). Nodes are wired in sequence for computation, which flows from one node to the next until completion.

User interactivity is achieved in a configurator by stringing together groups of nodes and managing when and how they compute (for example, when a user hits the J key on the keyboard and sets the intensity attribute of a spotlight prim to “1000”)

For detailed information, refer to the Omnigraph Getting Started documentation.