Merge Unwelded Vertices#
Vertices from original CAD data sometimes become unwelded in the process of converting to OpenUSD. A Scene Optimizer process can be run to quickly resolve this issue. These are the steps that were taken to merge the vertices of this asset.
in the Ingest folder.Go to Window > Utilities > Scene Optimizer.
Select Add Scene Optimizer Process and then select Merge Vertices.
Leave the Meshes to Process selection blank; this will run the process on all meshes in the scene.
Set Tolerance to 0.001. This number aligns to the scene units. This scene is in centimeters.
- The rest of the settings can be left as default. Here is a brief explanation of each setting.
Remove degenerate faces removes any polygonal faces that have zero or negative area after the vertices merge. Leave this setting enabled.
Make Manifold creates a watertight mesh. This is not required for this asset.
Remove isolated vertices deletes leftover vertices that are isolated. Leave this selected.
Select Execute - Merge Vertices. This may take a few seconds to complete.
When the operation is complete, you see a generated report tab in the Scene Optimizer panel that can be reviewed.
Save the file. If you are using Nucleus, you may find it useful to add a description in the Checkpoint field like “Merged vertices” for future reference.