Validate Final Asset#
Now, return to the Asset Validator panel and re-run the validation using the Analyze button. The previous issues have been fixed and will no longer show up in the list. The only issues still detected should be:
- This issue was not detected earlier due to the unwelded vertices. While this may indicate an issue with some assets, the geometry in this stage is not expected nor required to be manifold. This issue can be ignored.UsdDanglingMaterialBinding
- As stated earlier, this issue is expected for the model USD file exported from DELTAGEN export and can also be ignored.

Now, the asset is clean, optimized, and fully ingested into your Omniverse application. To review, the processes here differ for different assets, but, in general, start with any ingestion scripts, running the Asset Validator, merging vertices, and applying any recommended fixes.
Additional preprocessing scripts and Scene Optimizer processes may be required depending on any unique pipeline goals. The above methods demonstrate how to cater to a specific content pipeline. Some other common adjustments, not needed in this example, might be changing the up-axis or adapting the units to another scale.
As mentioned earlier, the finished files that have fully progressed through this ingestion process have been provided in the Sample Assets page.