Edit Variant Sets

While it is not required for this guide and this car asset, variant sets may always be further edited after they have been created using the Variant Editor. This includes variant sets that were authored in DELTAGEN.

See Variant Editor documentation for more information.


Currently, these edits must be applied on the file or layer that defines the variant set. Changes cannot be made on a separate layer at this time. For example, if you attempt to edit the Wheel_Turns variant set with the ConceptCar.usdc file, you see the following message displayed in the Variant Editor, “Wheel_Turns was authored in a different layer: ConceptCar_3xf_variants.usdc. Please open that file or change the authoring layer to edit this variant directly.” This variants USD file must be edited directly to change any variant sets that are defined in it. This is a limitation of the Variant Editor Sample implementation, not USD itself.