Core Omnigraph Nodes [omni.isaac.core_nodes]


Isaac Sim Test Node

  • execIn (execution): The input execution.

  • input (string): string passed here is returned on the output of this node.

  • output (string): return the value of input.


Isaac Sim node that sets the camera prim of an existing render product

  • execIn (execution): Input execution trigger.

  • renderProductPath (token): Path of the render product.

  • cameraPrim (target): Usd prim reference to the camera associated with this render product.

  • execOut (execution): Output execution trigger.


Isaac Sim node that returns the render product for a given viewport

  • execIn (execution): Input execution trigger.

  • viewport (token): Name of the viewport to get renderproduct for.

  • renderProductPath (token): Render product path for the created hydra texture.

  • execOut (execution): Output execution trigger.


[‘This node converts meters to/from stage units’]

  • conversion (token): Convert meters to/from stage units. Default to Convert to stage units.

  • value ([‘numerics’]): The input value.

  • result ([‘numerics’]): The output value.


Isaac Sim node that creates a render product for use with offscreen rendering

  • execIn (execution): Input execution trigger.

  • width (uint): Width of the render product, in pixels. Default to 1280.

  • height (uint): Height of the render product, in pixels. Default to 720.

  • cameraPrim (target): Usd prim reference to the camera associated with this render product.

  • enabled (bool): Set to false to disable downstream execution and RP creation. Default to True.

  • renderProductPath (token): Render product path for the created hydra texture.

  • execOut (execution): Output execution trigger.


Isaac Sim Node that generates a constant rgba buffer

  • color (colorf[4]): Color for output image.

  • width (uint): Width for output image. Default to 100.

  • height (uint): Height for output image. Default to 100.

  • data (uchar[]): Buffer rgba array data.

  • width (uint): Width for output image.

  • height (uint): Height for output image.

  • encoding (token): Encoding as a token.


Loads in environment variable if present

  • envVar (string): Input OS environment variable name as string.

  • value (string): Output OS environment variable value, returns empty string if variable is not found.


Loads contents of file when given path, if file exists

  • path (path): Input path to file.

  • fileContents ([‘string’, ‘token’]): Output contents of file at path, returns empty string if file is not found.


Isaac Sim node that creates a unique viewport

  • execIn (execution): Input execution trigger.

  • name (token): Name of the viewport window.

  • viewportId (uint): If name is empty, ID is used as the name, ID == 0 is the default viewport.

  • viewport (token): Name of the created viewport.

  • execOut (execution): Input execution trigger.


Controller for articulated robots. The controller takes either joint names or joint indices, and move them by the given position/velocity/effort commands. Note angular units are expressed in radians while angles in USD are expressed in degrees and will be adjusted accordingly by the articulation controller.

The controller takes either joint names or joint indices, and move them by the given position/velocity/effort commands. Note angular units are expressed in radians while angles in USD are expressed in degrees and will be adjusted accordingly by the articulation controller.

  • execIn (execution): The input execution.

  • targetPrim (target, optional): The target robot prim with robot articulation root. Ensure robotPath is empty for this to be considered.

  • robotPath (string): path to the robot articulation root. If this is populated, targetPrim is ignored.

  • jointNames (token[]): commanded joint names, use either Joint Names or Joint Indices, if neither is given, default to all joints. Use either Joint Names or Joint Indices, if neither is given, default to all joints.

  • jointIndices (int[]): commanded joint indices, use either Joint Names or Joint Indices, if neither is given, default to all joints. Use either Joint Names or Joint Indices, if neither is given, default to all joints.

  • positionCommand (double[]): position commands.

  • velocityCommand (double[]): velocity commands.

  • effortCommand (double[]): effort commands.


Articulated robot state. The node takes either joint names or joint indices, and outputs the joint positions and velocities, as well as the measured joint efforts, forces, and torques.

The node takes either joint names or joint indices, and outputs the joint positions and velocities, as well as the measured joint efforts, forces, and torques.

  • execIn (execution): The input execution.

  • targetPrim (target, optional): The target robot prim with robot articulation root. Ensure robotPath is empty for this to be considered.

  • robotPath (string): Path to the robot articulation root. If this is populated, targetPrim is ignored.

  • jointNames (token[]): Queried joint names, use either Joint Names or Joint Indices, if neither is given, default to all joints. Use either Joint Names or Joint Indices, if neither is given, default to all joints.

  • jointIndices (int[]): Queried joint indices, use either Joint Names or Joint Indices, if neither is given, default to all joints. Use either Joint Names or Joint Indices, if neither is given, default to all joints.

  • jointPositions (double[]): Joint positions.

  • jointVelocities (double[]): Joint velocities.

  • measuredJointEfforts (double[]): Measured joint efforts.

  • measuredJointForces (double[3][]): Measured joint reaction forces.

  • measuredJointTorques (double[3][]): Measured joint reaction torques.

  • jointNames (token[]): Joint names.


Isaac Sim node that sets the resolution on a viewport

  • execIn (execution): Input execution trigger.

  • viewport (token): Name of viewport to set resolution of.

  • width (uint): Width of the viewport, in pixels. Default to 1280.

  • height (uint): Height of the viewport, in pixels. Default to 720.

  • execOut (execution): Input execution trigger.


Executes an output execution pulse the first time this node is ran

  • execIn (execution): The input execution port.

  • step (execution): The execution output.


Spit time values

  • time ([‘double’, ‘float’, ‘half’, ‘int’, ‘int64’, ‘uint’, ‘uint64’]): Time (in seconds).

  • seconds (int): Seconds [INT_MIN, INT_MAX].

  • milliseconds (uint): Milliseconds [0, 1e3).

  • microseconds (uint): Microseconds [0, 1e6).

  • nanoseconds (uint): Nanoseconds [0, 1e9).


Isaac Sim Node passes a pointer through without changing it

  • execIn (execution): The input execution port.

  • dataPtr (uint64): pointer to pass throuh.

  • cudaDeviceIndex (int): Index of the device where the data lives (-1 for host data). Default to -1.

  • width (uint): Buffer array width.

  • height (uint): Buffer array height.

  • bufferSize (uint): Size (in bytes) of the buffer (0 if the input is a texture).

  • format (uint64): Format.

  • execOut (execution): The output execution port.

  • dataPtr (uint64): pointer to pass throuh.

  • cudaDeviceIndex (int): Index of the device where the data lives (-1 for host data).

  • width (uint): Buffer array width.

  • height (uint): Buffer array height.

  • bufferSize (uint): Size (in bytes) of the buffer (0 if the input is a texture).

  • format (uint64): Format.


Isaac Sim node that reads camera info for a viewport

  • renderProductPath (token): Path of the render product.

  • width (uint): Width for output image.

  • height (uint): Height for output image.

  • focalLength (float): focal length.

  • horizontalAperture (float): horizontal aperture.

  • verticalAperture (float): vertical aperture.

  • horizontalOffset (float): horizontal offset.

  • verticalOffset (float): vertical offset.

  • projectionType (token): projection type.

  • cameraFisheyeParams (float[]): Camera fisheye projection parameters.

  • physicalDistortionModel (token): physical distortion model used for approximation, empty if not specified on camera prim.

  • physicalDistortionCoefficients (float[]): physical distortion model used for approximation, empty if not specified on camera prim.


Holds values related to system timestamps

  • swhFrameNumber (int64): Optional fabric frame number, leave as zero to get the latest system frame time. Default to 0.

  • systemTime (double): Current system time in seconds.


Converts a 32FC1 image buffer into Point Cloud data

  • execIn (execution): The input execution port.

  • dataPtr (uint64): Pointer to the raw rgba array data. Default to 0.

  • cudaDeviceIndex (int): Index of the device where the data lives (-1 for host data). Default to -1.

  • width (uint): Buffer array width, same as input.

  • height (uint): Buffer array height, same as input.

  • focalLength (float): focal length.

  • horizontalAperture (float): horizontal aperture.

  • verticalAperture (float): vertical aperture.

  • bufferSize (uint): Size (in bytes) of the buffer (0 if the input is a texture).

  • format (uint64): Format. Default to 33.

  • execOut (execution): Output execution triggers when lidar sensor has completed a full scan.

  • dataPtr (uint64): Pointer to the rgb buffer data.

  • cudaDeviceIndex (int): Index of the device where the data lives (-1 for host data).

  • bufferSize (uint): Size (in bytes) of the buffer (0 if the input is a texture).

  • height (uint): Height of point cloud buffer, will always return 1.

  • width (uint): number of points in point cloud buffer.


[‘This node calculates the real time factor (RTF)’]

  • rtf (float): RTF value calculated per frame.


Isaac Sim node that reads world pose of an xform

  • prim (target): Usd prim reference from which fabric pose will be read.

  • includeScale (bool): If True the output bundle would include scale. Default to False.

  • primsBundle (bundle): An output bundle containing xformOp data.


Holds values related to odometry, this node is not a replcement for the IMU sensor and the associated Read IMU node

  • execIn (execution): The input execution port.

  • chassisPrim (target): Usd prim reference to the articulation root or rigid body prim.

  • execOut (execution): The output execution port.

  • position (vectord[3]): Position vector in meters.

  • orientation (quatd[4]): Rotation as a quaternion (IJKR).

  • linearVelocity (vectord[3]): Linear velocity vector in m/s.

  • angularVelocity (vectord[3]): Angular velocity vector in rad/s.

  • linearAcceleration (vectord[3]): Linear acceleration vector in m/s^2.

  • angularAcceleration (vectord[3]): Angular acceleration vector in rad/s^2.


[‘Read time related value from Fabric.’]

  • execIn (execution): The input execution port.

  • renderResults (uint64): Render results.

  • gpu (uint64): Pointer to shared context containing gpu foundations valid only in the postRender graph.

  • execOut (execution): The output execution port.

  • simulationTime (double): Current Simulation Time in Seconds.

  • simulationTimeMonotonic (double): Current Monotonic Simulation Time in Seconds.

  • systemTime (double): Current System Time in Seconds.

  • frameNumber (int64): frameNumber.

  • durationNumerator (int64): durationNumerator.

  • durationDenominator (uint64): durationDenominator.

  • sampleTimeOffsetInSimFrames (uint64): sampleTimeOffsetInSimFrames.

  • externalTimeOfSimNs (int64): externalTimeOfSimNs.

  • rationalTimeOfSimNumerator (int64): rationalTimeOfSimNumerator.

  • rationalTimeOfSimDenominator (uint64): rationalTimeOfSimDenominator.

  • swhFrameNumber (int64): swhFrameNumber.


Converts a RGBA image buffer into RGB

  • execIn (execution): The input execution port.

  • dataPtr (uint64): Pointer to the raw rgba array data. Default to 0.

  • cudaDeviceIndex (int): Index of the device where the data lives (-1 for host data). Default to -1.

  • width (uint): Buffer array width.

  • height (uint): Buffer array height.

  • encoding (token): Encoding as a token. Default to rgba8.

  • bufferSize (uint): Size (in bytes) of the buffer (0 if the input is a texture).

  • format (uint64): Format.

  • execOut (execution): Output execution triggers when conversion complete.

  • dataPtr (uint64): Pointer to the rgb buffer data.

  • cudaDeviceIndex (int): Index of the device where the data lives (-1 for host data).

  • encoding (token): Encoding as a token.

  • width (uint): Buffer array width, same as input.

  • height (uint): Buffer array height, same as input.

  • bufferSize (uint): Size (in bytes) of the buffer (0 if the input is a texture).


Executes an output execution pulse for every physics Simulation Step


  • step (execution): The execution output.

  • deltaSimulationTime (double): Simulation Time elapsed since the last update (seconds).

  • deltaSystemTime (double): System Time elapsed since last update (seconds).


Gate node that only passes through execution if simulation is playing

  • execIn (execution): The input execution.

  • step (uint): Number of ticks per execution output, default is 1, set to zero to disable execution of connected nodes. Default to 1.

  • execOut (execution): The output execution.


Isaac Sim Node that generates a constant 32FC1 buffer

  • value (float): Value for output image.

  • width (uint): Width for output image. Default to 100.

  • height (uint): Height for output image. Default to 100.

  • data (uchar[]): Buffer 32FC1 array data.

  • width (uint): Width for output image.

  • height (uint): Height for output image.

  • encoding (token): Encoding as a token.


Holds values related to simulation timestamps

  • resetOnStop (bool): If True the simulation time will reset when stop is pressed, False means time increases monotonically. Default to False.

  • swhFrameNumber (int64): Optional fabric frame number, leave as zero to get the latest simulation frame time. Default to 0.

  • simulationTime (double): Current Simulation Time in Seconds.