Time Stepping Control [omni.kit.loop-isaac]

Isaac RunLoop runner with support for manually setting step size.

Isaac loop bindings

class RunLoopRunner
set_manual_mode(self: omni.kit.loop._loop.RunLoopRunner, enabled: bool = 'True', name: str = '') None

Sets dt for run loop.

  • arg0 (bool) – Set to true to enable manual mode.

  • arg1 (str) – The name of the run loop. If name is an empty string, all active run loops are set.

set_manual_step_size(self: omni.kit.loop._loop.RunLoopRunner, dt: float = '0.01667', name: str = '') None

Sets dt for run loop.

  • arg0 (double) – The dt value to set to.

  • arg1 (str) – The name of the run loop. If name is an empty string, all active run loops are set.

acquire_loop_interface(plugin_name: str = None, library_path: str = None) omni.kit.loop._loop.RunLoopRunner
release_loop_interface(arg0: omni.kit.loop._loop.RunLoopRunner) None