Classes Summary:
Add a payload to primitive. |
Add reference to primitive. |
Add target to a relationship. |
Bind material to a primitive. |
Change attribute color space. |
Modify metadata of multiple objects. |
Deprecated. Modifies metadata of multiple primitives. |
Change property value. |
Clear Curves Splits Overrides. |
Clear Refinement Overrides. |
Copy a primitive to a new path. |
Copy multiple primitives to new paths. |
Create a new Audio primitive from asset path. |
Create default xformOp on prim. |
Instance a primitive. |
Instance multiple primitives. |
Create a MDL Material. |
Create a MaterialX material. |
Create a new prim with payload. |
Create a USD Preview Surface Material. |
Create a USD Preview Surface Texture Material. |
Create a primitive to stage. It is the same as :class:`.CreatePrimWithDefaultXformCommand` and kept for backward compatibility. |
Base class to create a prim (and remove when undo). |
Create a primitive to stage. |
Create multiple primitives. |
Create a new prim with reference. |
Load the shader specified by ‘identifier’ from the SDR registry and create a shader prim under |
Creates a USD Attribute for a primitive. |
Creates a USD Attribute with attribute path. |
Delete primitives from stage. |
Transform camera to encompass the bounds of a list of paths. |
Group primitives to the same parent. |
Moves a primitive to a new path. |
Move a list of primitives to new locations. |
Moves prims into children of “parent” primitives. |
Base class for payload related commands. |
Base class for reference related commands. |
Base class of relationship related commands. |
Remove specified payload from primitive. |
Remove property. |
Remove specified reference from primitive. |
Remove target from a relationship. |
Rename a primitive undoable **Command**. |
Replace the specified reference with a new one. |
Replace the specified reference with a new one. |
Deprecated. Clears/Adds references. |
Select primitives. |
Set material binding strength. |
Set the loaded/unloaded payloads of the selected primitives. |
Set target(s) to a relationship. |
Toggle the active state of prims. |
Toggles the loaded/unloaded payloads of the selected primitives. |
Toggles the visiblity of the selected primitives. |
Set primitive’s local transform. |
Set primitive’s local transform with scale, rotation and transform values. |
Set local transforms for multiple primitives. |
Set local transforms of multiple primitives with scale, rotation and transform values. |
Ungroup primitives from the parent. |
Unhide all primitives in the default UsdContext. |
Moves prims into root “/” primitive. |
Keeps the stage ID or returns the stage from the current context |
Functions Summary:
Internal. Utility to return active edit context. |
Internal. It will ensure parents are active. If they are not, it will change the active |
Internal. Gets default camera rotation order from setting /persistent/app/primCreation/DefaultCameraRotationOrder. |
Internal. Gets default rotation order from setting /persistent/app/primCreation/DefaultRotationOrder. |
Internal. Gets default rotation order. |
Internal. Posts notification if omni.kit.notification_manager is enabled. |
Internal. A destructive remove is one that will not only edit current edit target, but also other non-anonymous layers. Why anonymous layers is not counted is because anonymous layers are writable in Kit, and it’s only existed when it’s a new stage or under session layer. Any deltas inside those anonymous layers can be safely removed. Otherwise, this function will return false, which means it will not remove prim specs in all layers, but deactivates them to avoid editing non-anonymous layers except current edit target. |
Internal. Removes prim spec from layer. |
Internal. If the user authors refinementEnableOverride, drop a hint in customLayerData |