Fully qualified name: omni::usd::StageEventType
enum class omni::usd::StageEventType#
Defines the usd event types.
enumerator eSaved#
USD file saved.
enumerator eSaveFailed#
Failed to save USD.
enumerator eOpening#
USD stage is opening.
enumerator eOpened#
USD stage is opened successfully.
enumerator eOpenFailed#
USD stage failed to open.
enumerator eClosing#
USD stage is about to close. This is a good opportunity to shutdown anything depends on USD stage.
enumerator eClosed#
USD stage is fully closed.
enumerator eSelectionChanged#
USD Prim selection has changed.
enumerator eAssetsLoaded#
Current batch of async asset loading has been completed.
enumerator eAssetsLoadAborted#
Current batch of async asset loading has been aborted.
enumerator eGizmoTrackingChanged#
Started or stopped tracking (hovering) on a gizmo.
enumerator eMdlParamLoaded#
MDL parameter is loaded for a MDL UsdShadeShader.
enumerator eSettingsLoaded#
Stage settings have loaded.
enumerator eSettingsSaving#
Stage settings are being saved.
enumerator eOmniGraphStartPlay#
OmniGraph play has started.
enumerator eOmniGraphStopPlay#
OmniGraph play has stopped.
enumerator eSimulationStartPlay#
Simulation play has started.
enumerator eSimulationStopPlay#
Simulation play has stopped.
enumerator eAnimationStartPlay#
Animation playback has started.
enumerator eAnimationStopPlay#
Animation playback has stopped.
enumerator eDirtyStateChanged#
Dirty state of USD stage has changed. Dirty state means if it has unsaved changes or not.
enumerator eAssetsLoading#
A new batch of async asset loading has started.
enumerator eActiveLightsCountChanged#
Number of active lights in the scene has changed. This signal should be triggered every time a scene has been loaded or number of lights has been changed. A few features, for instance view lighting mode, need to detect when a number of active lights becomes zero / become non-zero.
enumerator eHierarchyChanged#
USD stage hierarchy has changed.
enumerator eHydraGeoStreamingStarted#
Fabric Scene Delegate sends this when starting to stream rprims.
enumerator eHydraGeoStreamingStopped#
Fabric Scene Delegate sends this when stopping to stream rprims.
enumerator eHydraGeoStreamingStoppedNotEnoughMem#
Fabric Scene Delegate sends this when geometry streaming stops loading more geometry because of insufficient device memory.
enumerator eHydraGeoStreamingStoppedAtLimit#
Fabric Scene Delegate sends this when stopping to stream rprims because of the limit set by the user.
enumerator eSaving#
Starting to save stage.
enumerator eSaved#