
Fully qualified name: omni::usd::StageRenderingEventType

enum class omni::usd::StageRenderingEventType#


enumerator eNewFrame#

New frame available for Viewport, params are ViewportHandle, FrameNo, RenderResults.

enumerator eHydraEngineFramesComplete#

Frames complete for a single hydra engine render() invocation. Payload is { render_results: [ { viewport_handle: ViewportHandle, product: HydraRenderProduct*, subframe_count: int32_t } ], average_frame_time_ns: float, swh_frame_number: uint64_t, }.

enumerator eHydraEngineFramesAdded#

Frames added to the GPU queue for a single hydra engine. This event signifies that the frame is scheduled for GPU rendering and has not been rendered yet. The payload structure is the same as eHydraEngineFramesComplete.

enumerator eRendererRecordingComplete#

Recording of the frame is done, but has not been submitted for execution yet. Payload is { results: HydraRenderResults* product_path_handle: usd::PathH rendergraph: gpu::RenderGraph::RenderGraph* } This event is never push()ed; it is only ever dispatch()ed. This means that push subscriptions will never be triggered. This also means that it can execute out of order with respect to other events in the same stream; A OnEventFunction for this function can not rely on the execution order of other events in the same stream. Execution of this event will block the rendering thread - it should be used only to add operations to the end of the RenderGraph, after rendering has added all operations, but before it is submitted.