omni.ext Functions#
Functions Summary:
Creates a symbolic link from ‘link_path’ to ‘target_path’ |
Destroys an existing file system link |
Get all `sys.path`, both handled by the fast importer and regular left in `sys.path`. |
Returns a string containing debugging information about dangling references on an object. |
Convert ‘’ to ‘’ |
Returns cached :class:`omni.ext.IExtensions` interface |
Get all sys.path handled by the fast importer. |
Pack extension into archive. |
Unpack extenson making it ready to use if output folder is in extension search paths. |
acquire_ext_interface(plugin_name: str = None, library_path: str = None) -> omni.ext._extensions.ICppExt |
acquire_extensions_interface(plugin_name: str = None, library_path: str = None) -> omni.ext._extensions.IExtensions |
release_ext_interface(arg0: omni.ext._extensions.ICppExt) -> None |