Frequently Asked Questions#

Where can I find the core Kit config file?#

It is kit-core.json located close to the Kit executable.

Can I debug python extensions and scripts?#

Yes! Use VS Code for that.

  1. Run Kit, open Window/Extensions Manager, find and enable the omni.kit.debug.vscode extension. You can now see the window called VS Code Link which shows you the status of the debugger connection.

  2. Run VS Code with the Python extension installed. Open the Kit project folder with it.

  3. Kit already has a proper .vscode/launch.json in the project. So select the Debugger tab in VS Code, select Python: Attach and press the Start Debugging button.

  4. The status should now change to Connected in the Kit VS Code Link window.

  5. Hit the Break button in this window, it shows an example of using the omni.kit.commands.execute("DebugBreak") command to break. You can debug your python code and add breakpoints.


Unfortunately folder linked scripts are not properly recognized in this setup, so you must add your breakpoints in the real source files, which can be found under the _build folder.


For non-UI configurations just use the omni.kit.debug.python extension instead. Look into its extension.toml for settings.

Random failures when loading omni.usd ?#

You can debug how USD loads its plugins with the environment variable TF_DEBUG. If you set TF_DEBUG=PLUG_INFO_SEARCH, it will print out all of the plugInfo.json files it finds. If you set TF_DEBUG=PLUG_REGISTRATION, it will print out all of the plugins it tries to register. Setting TF_DEBUG=PLUG_LOAD can also be useful, as it prints the plugins loaded. Kit mutes USD output by default. To unmute it, you need to set "/omni.kit.plugin/usdMuteDiagnosticMessage" to false.