
Fully qualified name: omni::telemetry::kTelemetrySchemasUrlSettingLeaf

Defined in omni/structuredlog/Telemetry.h

constexpr const char *const omni::telemetry::kTelemetrySchemasUrlSettingLeaf = "schemasUrl"#

This setting is an optional member of the kTransmitterSetting object.

This specifies the URL or URLs to download approved schemas from. This may be used to override the default URL and the one specified by kTelemetryModeSetting. This may be treated either as a single URL string value or as an array of URL strings. The usage depends on how the setting is specified by the user or config. If an array of URLs is given, they are assumed to be in priority order starting with the first as the highest priority URL. The first one that successfully downloads will be used as the schema package. The others are considered to be backup URLs. This defaults to the Omniverse production schemas URL.


In debug builds, this schemas package URL may also point to a local file. This may be specified in both the single string and array forms of this setting. The local file URI may be in the scheme form or as just a local (absolute) or relative) filename.