
Fully qualified name: carb::FindPluginsArgs

Defined in carb/FindPlugins.h

struct FindPluginsArgs#

Arguments that are passed to findPlugins().

Public Members

const char *const *searchPaths#

Search folders to look for plugins in.

This may contain relative or absolute paths. All relative paths will be resolved relative to carb::filesystem::IFileSystem::getAppDirectoryPath(), not the current working directory. Absolute paths in the list will be searched directly.

If search paths configuration is invalid (e.g. search paths count is zero), the fall-back values are taken from the default plugin desc.

May be nullptr.

size_t searchPathCount#

Number of entries in searchPaths. May be 0.

bool searchRecursive#

Search the given paths recursively if true.

const char *const *loadedFileWildcards#

Filename wildcards to select loaded files. * and ? can be used, e.g. “carb.*.pl?gin”.

If nullptr, a reasonable default is used.

size_t loadedFileWildcardCount#

Number of entries in loadedFileWildcards. May be 0.

const char *const *reloadableFileWildcards#

Filename wildcards to mark loaded files as reloadable. Framework will treat them specially to allow overwriting source plugins and will monitor them for changes.

May be nullptr.

size_t reloadableFileWildcardCount#

Number of entries in reloadableFileWildcards. May be 0.

const char *const *excludedFileWildcards#

Filename wildcards to select excluded files. * and ? can be used.

May be nullptr.

size_t excludedFileWildcardCount#

Number of entries in excludedFileWildcards. May be 0.

FindPluginsOnMatchedFn *onMatched#

Callback when a file is matched but not excluded.


Must not be nullptr.

void *onMatchedContext#

Context for onMatched. May be nullptr.

filesystem::FindFilesOnExcludedFn *onExcluded#

Callback when a file is matched and excluded.

May be nullptr.

void *onExcludedContext#

Context for onExcluded. May be nullptr.

filesystem::FindFilesOnSkippedFn *onSkipped#

Callback when a file is not match one of the “loadedFileWildcard” patterns.

May be nullptr.

void *onSkippedContext#

Context for onSkipped. May be nullptr.

filesystem::FindFilesOnSearchPathFn *onSearchPath#

Callback invoked before searching one of the given directories.

May be nullptr.

void *onSearchPathContext#

Context for onSearchPath. May be nullptr.

filesystem::IFileSystem *fs#

IFileSystem object to use to walk the file system.

If nullptr, tryAcquireInterface<IFileSystem> is called.