
Fully qualified name: omni::telemetry::kMessageMatchingModeLeaf

Defined in omni/structuredlog/Telemetry.h

constexpr const char *const omni::telemetry::kMessageMatchingModeLeaf = "messageMatchMode"#

This setting is an optional member of the kTransmitterSetting object.

This controls which messages will be considered by the transmitter and which will be filtered out before validating against a schema. This is intended to match each message’s transmission mode against the mode that the transmitter is currently running in. This value can be one of the following:

  • ”all”: allow all messages to be validated against schemas.

  • ”matching”: allow messages whose source mode matches the transmitter’s current run mode.

  • ”matching+”: allow messages whose source mode matches the transmitter’s current run mode or higher.

  • ”test”: only consider messages from the ‘test’ source mode.

  • ”dev”: only consider messages from the ‘dev’ source mode.

  • ”prod”: only consider messages from the ‘prod’ source mode.

  • ”dev,prod” (or other combinations): only consider messages from the listed source modes.

This defaults to “all”. This setting value may be used either on a per-transmitter basis when using multiple transmitters, or it may be used in the legacy setting /telemetry/messageMatchMode. If both the legacy and the per-transmitter setting are present, the per-transmitter ones will always override the legacy setting.


Setting this to a value other than “all” would result in certain messages not being transmitted because they were rejected during a previous run and were skipped over in the log. It is intended that if this setting is used for a given transmitter, it is likely to be used with that same matching mode most often on any given machine. Note that multiple transmitters with different matching modes can also be used.