
Fully qualified name: carb::tasking::Promise

Defined in carb/tasking/TaskingTypes.h

template<class T = void>
class Promise#

A facility to store a value that is later acquired asynchronously via a Future created via Promise::get_future().

The carb.tasking implementation is very similar to the C++11 std::promise.

A promise has a “shared state” that is shared with the Future that it creates through Promise::get_future().

A promise is a single-use object. The get_future() function may only be called once, and either set_value() or setCanceled() may only be called once.

A promise that is destroyed without ever having called set_value() or setCanceled() is consider a broken promise and automatically calls setCanceled().

There are three specializations of Promise:

  • Promise<T>: The base specialization, used to communicate objects between tasks/threads.

  • Promise<T&>: Reference specialization, used to communicate references between tasks/threads.

  • Promise<void>: Void specialization, used to communicate stateless events between tasks/threads.

The void specialization of Promise is slightly different:

Public Functions


Default constructor.

Initializes the shared state.

Promise(Promise &&other) noexcept#

Can be move-constructed.



If the shared state has not yet received a value with set_value(), then it is canceled and made Ready similarly to setCanceled().

Promise &operator=(Promise &&other) noexcept#

Can be move-assigned.

void swap(Promise &other) noexcept#

Swaps the shared state with other's.


other – A Promise to swap shared states with.

Future<T> get_future()#

Atomically retrieves and clears the Future from this Promise that shares the same state.

A Future::wait() call will wait until the shared state becomes Ready.


std::terminate() will be called if this function is called more than once.


A Future with the same shared state as this Promise.

void set_value(const T &value)#

Atomically stores the value in the shared state and makes the state Ready.


Only one call of set_value() or setCanceled() is allowed. Subsequent calls will result in a call to std::terminate().


value – The value to atomically set into the shared state.

void set_value(T &&value)#

Atomically stores the value in the shared state and makes the state Ready.


Only one call of set_value() or setCanceled() is allowed. Subsequent calls will result in a call to std::terminate().


value – The value to atomically set into the shared state.

void setCanceled()#

Atomically sets the shared state to canceled and makes the state Ready.

This is a broken promise.


Calling Future::get() will result in a call to std::terminate(); Future::isCanceled() will return true.