Fully qualified name: omni/core/ModuleExports.h
In directory: omni/core
Source file: ModuleExports.h
Helpers for defining a plugin’s omni::core::ModuleExports table.
- carb
The main Carbonite namespace.
- carb::assert
Namespace for all assertion checking helpers and interfaces.
- carb::l10n
Utilities for localizing text.
- carb::logging
Namespace for logging interfaces and utilities.
- carb::profiler
Namespace for carb.profiler and related utilities.
- omni
Main namespace for Omniverse.
- omni::core
Core functionality for Omniverse Interfaces.
- omni::log
Multi-channel logging.
- omni::structuredlog
Structured logging and Telemetry.
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntry
Define an entry in omni::core::ModuleExports .
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryCarbClientName
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to interop with g_carbClientName .
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryCarbFramework
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to interop with carb::Framework .
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryCarbIAssert
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to interop with carb::assert::IAssert .
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryCarbIL10n
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to interop with carb::l10n::IL10n .
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryCarbILogging
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to interop with carb::logging::ILogging .
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryCarbIProfiler
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to interop with carb::profiler::IProfiler .
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryGetModuleDependencies
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to register a function to advertise the interface implementations available in the plugin.
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryILog
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to access omni::log::ILog .
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryIStructuredLog
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to access omni::structuredlog::IStructuredLog .
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryITypeFactory
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to access omni::core::ITypeFactory .
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryLogChannel
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to add a logging channel.
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryOnModuleCanUnload
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to register a function to determine if the module can be unloaded.
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryOnModuleLastChanceShutdown
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to register a function to be called when the plugin unload will be skipped during a quick shutdown
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryOnModuleLoad
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to register a function to advertise the interface implementations available in the plugin.
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryOnModuleStarted
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to register a function to be called after the plugin has loaded.
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntryOnModuleUnload
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to register a function to be called when the plugin is unloaded.
- omni::core::ModuleExportEntrySchema
omni::core::ModuleExports entry to add a new structured logging schema to be registered.
- omni::core::ModuleExports
Entities exported by a module for both use and population by omni::core::ITypeFactory .