Fully qualified name: omni/structuredlog/StructuredLogSettingsUtils.h
File members: omni/structuredlog/StructuredLogSettingsUtils.h
// Copyright (c) 2021-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
// and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
// and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
// distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
// license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
#pragma once
#include "IStructuredLog.h"
#include "IStructuredLogExtraFields.h"
#include "IStructuredLogSettings.h"
#include "IStructuredLogSettings2.h"
#include "IStructuredLogSettings3.h"
#include "IStructuredLogFromILog.h"
#include "IStructuredLogFromILog2.h"
#include "../../carb/extras/StringSafe.h"
#include "../../carb/settings/ISettings.h"
#include "../../carb/settings/SettingsUtils.h"
#include "../core/Omni.h"
#include "../extras/PrivacySettings.h"
#include "../extras/OmniConfig.h"
#include "../log/ILog.h"
#include "../platforminfo/IOsInfo2.h"
namespace omni
namespace structuredlog
constexpr int64_t kDefaultLogSizeLimit = 50ll * 1024ll * 1024ll;
constexpr int64_t kMinLogSizeLimit = 256ll * 1024ll;
constexpr size_t kDefaultLogRetentionCount = 3;
constexpr size_t kMinLogRetentionCount = 1;
constexpr size_t kDefaultEventQueueSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
constexpr size_t kMinEventQueueSize = 512 * 1024;
constexpr size_t kMaxEventQueueSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
constexpr size_t kRecommendedLoggingEventQueueSize = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
constexpr IdMode kDefaultIdMode = IdMode::eFastSequential;
constexpr IdType kDefaultIdType = IdType::eUuid;
constexpr uint64_t kHeartbeatDisabled = 0;
constexpr uint64_t kDefaultHeartbeatPeriod = kHeartbeatDisabled;
constexpr bool kDefaultNeedLogHeaders = true;
constexpr bool kDefaultEmitPayloadOnlySettings = false;
constexpr bool kDefaultEmitCloudHeartbeat = false;
constexpr const char* kDefaultAnonymousUserIdMode = "random";
constexpr bool kDefaultEnableJsonStdout = false;
constexpr int64_t kDefaultQueueHighWaterMark = 80;
constexpr const char* kGlobalEnableSetting = "/structuredLog/enable";
constexpr const char* kLogDirectory = "/structuredLog/logDirectory";
constexpr const char* kDefaultLogNameSetting = "/structuredLog/defaultLogName";
constexpr const char* kPrivacyFileSetting = "/structuredLog/privacySettingsFile";
constexpr const char* kLogRetentionCountSetting = "/structuredLog/logRetentionCount";
constexpr const char* kLogSizeLimitSetting = "/structuredLog/logSizeLimit";
constexpr const char* kEventQueueSizeSetting = "/structuredLog/eventQueueSize";
constexpr const char* kEventIdModeSetting = "/structuredLog/eventIdMode";
constexpr const char* kEventIdTypeSetting = "/structuredLog/eventIdType";
constexpr const char* kEnableLogConsumerSetting = "/structuredLog/enableLogConsumer";
constexpr const char* kSchemasStateListSetting = "/structuredLog/state/schemas";
constexpr const char* kEventsStateListSetting = "/structuredLog/state/events";
constexpr const char* kSchemasStateArraySetting = "/structuredLog/schemaStates";
constexpr const char* kEventsStateArraySetting = "/structuredLog/eventStates";
constexpr const char* kHeartbeatPeriodSetting = "/structuredLog/heartbeatPeriod";
constexpr const char* kNeedLogHeadersSetting = "/structuredLog/needLogHeaders";
constexpr const char* kEmitPayloadOnlySettings = "/structuredLog/emitPayloadOnly";
constexpr const char* kEmitCloudHeartbeatSetting = "/structuredLog/emitCloudHeartbeat";
constexpr const char* kExtraFieldsSettingBranch = "/structuredLog/extraFields";
constexpr const char* kAnonymousUserIdModeSetting = "/structuredLog/anonymousUserIdMode";
constexpr const char* kEnableJsonStdoutSetting = "/structuredLog/enableJsonStdout";
constexpr const char* kQueueHighWaterMark = "/structuredLog/queueHighWaterMark";
constexpr const char* kSchemasThroughputLimitsSetting = "/structuredLog/limits/throughput";
constexpr const char* kSchemasThroughputPeriodSetting = "/structuredLog/limits/throughputPeriod";
inline bool setStructuredLogLoggingEnabled(bool enabled = true)
omni::core::ObjectPtr<IStructuredLog> strucLog;
omni::core::ObjectPtr<IStructuredLogFromILog> log;
strucLog = omni::core::borrow(omniGetStructuredLogWithoutAcquire());
if (strucLog.get() == nullptr)
return false;
log =<IStructuredLogFromILog>();
if (log.get() == nullptr)
return false;
if (enabled)
return true;
inline void configureStructuredLogging(carb::settings::ISettings* settings)
omni::core::ObjectPtr<IStructuredLog> strucLog;
omni::core::ObjectPtr<IStructuredLogSettings> ts;
omni::core::ObjectPtr<IStructuredLogSettings2> ts2;
omni::core::ObjectPtr<IStructuredLogSettings3> ts3;
omni::core::ObjectPtr<IStructuredLogFromILog> log;
omni::core::ObjectPtr<IStructuredLogExtraFields> extraFields;
carb::cpp::optional<std::string> value;
int64_t count;
size_t queueSize;
IdMode idMode = kDefaultIdMode;
IdType idType = kDefaultIdType;
if (settings == nullptr)
// ****** set appropriate defaults for each setting ******
settings->setDefaultBool(kGlobalEnableSetting, false);
settings->setDefaultString(kLogDirectory, "");
settings->setDefaultString(kDefaultLogNameSetting, "");
settings->setDefaultInt64(kLogRetentionCountSetting, kDefaultLogRetentionCount);
settings->setDefaultInt64(kLogSizeLimitSetting, kDefaultLogSizeLimit / 1048576);
settings->setDefaultInt64(kEventQueueSizeSetting, kDefaultEventQueueSize / 1024);
settings->setDefaultString(kEventIdModeSetting, "fast-sequential");
settings->setDefaultString(kEventIdTypeSetting, "UUID");
settings->setDefaultBool(kEnableLogConsumerSetting, false);
settings->setDefaultInt64(kHeartbeatPeriodSetting, kDefaultHeartbeatPeriod);
settings->setDefaultBool(kNeedLogHeadersSetting, kDefaultNeedLogHeaders);
settings->setDefaultBool(kEmitPayloadOnlySettings, kDefaultEmitPayloadOnlySettings);
settings->setDefaultBool(kEmitCloudHeartbeatSetting, kDefaultEmitCloudHeartbeat);
settings->setDefaultString(kAnonymousUserIdModeSetting, kDefaultAnonymousUserIdMode);
if (settings->getAsBool("/app/coreapi/alpha/enabled"))
settings->setDefaultBool(kEnableJsonStdoutSetting, true);
settings->setDefaultBool(kEnableJsonStdoutSetting, kDefaultEnableJsonStdout);
// ****** grab the structured log settings object so the config can be set ******
strucLog = omni::core::borrow(omniGetStructuredLogWithoutAcquire());
if (strucLog.get() == nullptr)
ts =<IStructuredLogSettings>();
if (ts.get() == nullptr)
// ****** retrieve the settings and make them active ******
strucLog->setEnabled(omni::structuredlog::kBadEventId, omni::structuredlog::fEnableFlagAll,
// set the default log name.
value = carb::settings::getStringOpt(settings, kDefaultLogNameSetting);
if (value && !value->empty())
value = carb::settings::getStringOpt(settings, kLogDirectory);
if (value && !value->empty())
// This setting needs to be reloaded after ISerializer has been loaded, since it can read
// omniverse.toml now in case there are overrides there.
extras::OmniConfig config;
// set the log retention count.
count = settings->getAsInt64(kLogRetentionCountSetting);
// set the log size limit.
count = settings->getAsInt64(kLogSizeLimitSetting);
ts->setLogSizeLimit(count * 1048576);
// set the event queue size (given in KB in the setting).
queueSize = (size_t)settings->getAsInt64(kEventQueueSizeSetting);
ts->setEventQueueSize(queueSize * 1024);
// set the event ID mode.
value = carb::settings::getStringOpt(settings, kEventIdModeSetting);
if (carb::extras::compareStringsNoCase(value->c_str(), "fast-sequential") == 0)
idMode = IdMode::eFastSequential;
else if (carb::extras::compareStringsNoCase(value->c_str(), "sequential") == 0)
idMode = IdMode::eSequential;
else if (carb::extras::compareStringsNoCase(value->c_str(), "random") == 0)
idMode = IdMode::eRandom;
OMNI_LOG_WARN("unknown event ID mode '%s'. Assuming 'fast-sequential'.", value->c_str());
// set the event ID type.
value = carb::settings::getStringOpt(settings, kEventIdTypeSetting);
if (carb::extras::compareStringsNoCase(value->c_str(), "UUID") == 0)
idType = IdType::eUuid;
else if (carb::extras::compareStringsNoCase(value->c_str(), "uint64") == 0)
idType = IdType::eUint64;
OMNI_LOG_WARN("unknown event ID type '%s'. Assuming 'UUID'.", value->c_str());
ts->setEventIdMode(idMode, idType);
// load the privacy settings and set the user ID from it.
// load the enable states for each schema and event.
// retrieve and set the user ID if present.
std::string uid = omni::extras::PrivacySettings::getUserIdString();
if (!uid.empty())
carb::cpp::optional<std::string> mode = carb::settings::getStringOpt(settings, kAnonymousUserIdModeSetting);
if (mode && carb::extras::compareStringsNoCase(mode->c_str(), "machine") == 0)
auto os2 = omni::core::createType<omni::platforminfo::IOsInfo2>();
if (os2 != nullptr)
uint64_t id = os2->getMachineId();
if (id != 0)
// setup the structured log logger. Note that if this is enabled on the command line
// this will also implicitly increase the event queue's buffer size.
log =<IStructuredLogFromILog>();
if (log.get() == nullptr)
if (settings->getAsBool(kEnableLogConsumerSetting))
ts->setEventQueueSize(CARB_MAX(kRecommendedLoggingEventQueueSize, queueSize * 1024));
// setup the default heartbeat event period.
ts2 =<IStructuredLogSettings2>();
if (ts2 != nullptr)
OutputFlags flags = fOutputFlagNone;
count = settings->getAsInt64(kHeartbeatPeriodSetting);
if (!settings->getAsBool(kNeedLogHeadersSetting))
flags |= fOutputFlagSkipLogHeaders;
if (settings->getAsBool(kEmitPayloadOnlySettings))
flags |= fOutputFlagPayloadOnly;
if (settings->getAsBool(kEmitCloudHeartbeatSetting))
flags |= fOutputFlagEmitCloudHeartbeat;
ts2->setOutputFlags(flags, 0);
extraFields =<IStructuredLogExtraFields>();
if (extraFields != nullptr)
// walk through the extra fields branch of the settings registry and add an extra field
// for each key/value pair in there. In general we don't expect there to be more than
// a couple extra fields present.
carb::settings::ScopedRead readLock;
if (settings->isAccessibleAs(carb::dictionary::ItemType::eDictionary, kExtraFieldsSettingBranch))
carb::dictionary::IDictionary* dictionary = carb::getCachedInterface<carb::dictionary::IDictionary>();
const carb::dictionary::Item* branch = settings->getSettingsDictionary(kExtraFieldsSettingBranch);
size_t childCount = dictionary->getItemChildCount(branch);
for (size_t i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
const carb::dictionary::Item* item = dictionary->getItemChildByIndex(branch, i);
if (item == nullptr)
const char* key = dictionary->getItemName(item);
const char* val = dictionary->getStringBuffer(item);
if (key != nullptr && val != nullptr)
extraFields->setValue(key, val, omni::structuredlog::fExtraFieldFlagNone);
// settings requested that 'JSON logging' be used => enable the various settings related
// to setting this mode. JSON logging mode outputs all log messages to stdout (unbuffered)
// formatted as JSON events. It also silences the stdout/stderr output of the standard
// logger so that log messages are not doubled up in different formats on stdout. Each
// log message will still be output to all other destinations (ie: debug console, log
// file(s), etc).
if (log != nullptr && ts != nullptr && settings->getAsBool(kEnableJsonStdoutSetting))
auto log2 =<IStructuredLogFromILog2>();
if (log2 != nullptr)
auto logging = carb::getFramework()->tryAcquireInterface<carb::logging::ILogging>();
if (logging != nullptr)
auto standardLogger = logging->getDefaultLogger();
if (standardLogger != nullptr)
// enable structured logging for at least the log consumer event since it is now
// needed in order for log messages to be output. The structured logging system
// also needs to be globally enabled for this to take effect.
strucLog->setEnabled(omni::structuredlog::kBadEventId, omni::structuredlog::fEnableFlagAll, true);
strucLog->setEnabled(log->getLoggingEventId(), omni::structuredlog::fEnableFlagWholeSchema, true);
settings->setBool(kGlobalEnableSetting, true);
// enable the log consumer and set its destination to only stdout.
omni::structuredlog::fEventFlagOutputToStdout | omni::structuredlog::fEventFlagSkipLog, 0);
// make sure the log consumer respects the standard output stream log level. This
// log level further filters log messages that make it through to consumers but don't
// then make it to the standard streams under the standard logger.
carb::logging::stringToLevel(carb::settings::getString(settings, "/log/outputStreamLevel").c_str()));
// increase the queue size. If we're going to be serving all log messages through the
// structured log queue, the queue's buffer needs to be large enough to ensure a
// potentially large amount of concurrent message traffic can safely go through it.
// With each message being anywhere from 200 bytes to upwards of 3KB (depending on
// content), not that many messages will fit in the default buffer size of 2MB.
// If a lot of message traffic suddenly occurs very quickly, the queue's buffer
// could fill up and start either dropping messages or blocking threads until
// space is available.
size_t userSize = queueSize;
userSize = CARB_MAX(userSize, omni::structuredlog::kRecommendedLoggingEventQueueSize);
ts3 =<IStructuredLogSettings3>();
if (ts3 != nullptr)
} // namespace structuredlog
} // namespace omni