
Fully qualified name: carb::tokens::ITokens

Defined in carb/tokens/ITokens.h

struct ITokens#

Interface for storing tokens and resolving strings containing them.

Tokens are string pairs {name, value} that can be referenced in a string as "some text ${token_name} some other text", where the token name starts with a sequence "${" and end with a first closing "}".

If a token with the name <token_name> has a defined value, then it will be substituted with its value. If the token does not have a defined value, an empty string will be used for the replacement. This interface will use the ISetting interface, if available, as storage and in such case tokens will be stored under the ‘/app/tokens’ node.

Note: The “$” symbol is considered to be special by the tokenizer and should be escaped by doubling it (“$” -> “$$”) in order to be processed as just a symbol “$” Ex: “some text with $ sign” -> “some text with $$ sign”

Single unescaped “$” signs are considered to be a bad practice to be used for token resolution but they are acceptable and will be resolved into single “$” signs and no warning will be given about it.

Ex: “$” -> “$”, “$$” -> “$”, “$$$” -> “$$”

It’s better to use the helper function “escapeString” from the “TokensUtils.h” to produce a string that doesn’t have any parts that could participate in tokenization. As a token name start with “${” and ends with the first encountered “}” it can contain “$” (same rules about escaping it apply) and “{” characters, however such cases will result in a warning being output to the log. Ex: for the string “${bar$${}” the token resolution process will consider the token name to be “bar${” (note that “$$” is reduced into a single “$”) and a warning will be outputted into the log.

Tokens are resolved recursively unless an error occurs. For instance, given:

setValue("a", "${b}");
setValue("b", "${c}");
setValue("c", "hello ${d}");
setValue("d", "world");

resolveString(tokens, "${a}"); // will return "hello world"

Environment variables are automatically available as tokens, if defined. These are specified with the text ${env:<var name>} where <var name> is the name of the environment variable. The env: prefix is a reserved name, so any call to ITokens::setValue() or ITokens::setInitialValue() with a name that starts with env: will be rejected. The environment variable is read when needed and not cached in any way. An undefined environment variable behaves as an undefined token.

Thread Safety

the interface’s functions are not thread safe. It is responsibility of the user to use all necessary synchronization mechanisms if needed. All data passed into a plugin’s function must be valid for the duration of the function call.

Public Functions

inline void setInitialValue(
const char *name,
const char *value,
) const#

Creates a token with the given name and value if it was non-existent.

Otherwise does nothing.

  • name – Name of a token. Passing a null pointer results in an error

  • value – Value of a token. Passing a null pointer does nothing.

inline bool removeToken(const char *name) const#

A function to delete a token.


name – token name not enclosed in “${” and “}”. Passing a null pointer results in an error


true if the operation was successful or token with such name didn’t exist, false if the name is null or an error occurred

Public Members

bool (*setValue)(const char *name, const char *value)#

Sets a new value for the specified token, if the token didn’t exist it will be created.

Note: if the value is null then the token will be removed (see also: “removeToken” function). In this case true is returned if the token was successfully deleted or didn’t exist.

Param name:

token name not enclosed in “${” and “}”. Passing a null pointer results in an error

Param value:

new value for the token. Passing a null pointer deletes the token


true if the operation was successful, false if the token name was null or an error occurred during the operation

ResolveResult (*resolveString)(const char *sourceBuf, size_t sourceBufLen, char *destBuf, size_t destBufLen, StringEndingMode endingMode, ResolveFlags resolveFlags, size_t *resolvedSize)#

Tries to resolve all tokens in the source string buffer and places the result into the destination buffer.

If the destBufLen isn’t enough to contain the result then the result will be truncated.

Param sourceBuf:

the source string buffer. Passing a null pointer results in an error

Param sourceBufLen:

the length of the source string buffer

Param destBuf:

the destination buffer. Passing a null pointer results in an error

Param destBufLen:

the size of the destination buffer

Param endingMode:

sets if the result will have a null-terminator (in this case passing a zero destBufLen will result in an error) or not

Param resolveFlags:

flags that modify token resolution process

Param resolvedSize:

[out] optional parameter. If the provided buffer were enough for the operation and it succeeded then resolvedSize <= destBufLen and equals to the number of written bytes to the buffer, if the operation were successful but the output were truncated then resolvedSize > destBufLen and equals to the minimum buffer size that can hold the fully resolved string, if the operation failed then the value of the resolvedSize is undetermined

Retval ResolveResult::eTruncated:

if the destination buffer was too small to contain the result (note that if the StringEndingMode::eNullTerminator was used the result truncated string will end with a null-terminator)

Retval ResolveResult::eFailure:

if an error occurred.

Retval ResolveResult::eSuccess:

will be returned if the function successfully wrote the whole resolve result into the destBuf.

size_t (*calculateDestinationBufferSize)(const char *sourceBuf, size_t sourceBufLen, StringEndingMode endingMode, ResolveFlags resolveFlags, ResolveResult *resolveResult)#

Calculates the minimum buffer size required to hold the result of resolving of the input string buffer.

Param sourceBuf:

the source string buffer. Passing a null pointer results in an error

Param sourceBufLen:

the length of the source string buffer

Param endingMode:

sets if the result will have a null-terminator or not

Param resolveFlags:

flags that modify token resolution process

Param resolveResult:

[out] optional parameter that will contain the result of the attempted resolution to calculate the necessary size


The calculated minimum size. In case of any error the function will return 0.

bool (*exists)(const char *tokenName)#

Check the existence of a token.

Param tokenName:

the name of a token that will be checked for existence. Passing a null pointer results in an error


true if the token with the specified name exists, false is returned if an error occurs or there is no token with such name

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr carb::InterfaceDesc getInterfaceDesc(
) noexcept#

Returns information about this interface.



The carb::InterfaceDesc struct with information about this interface.

static inline constexpr carb::InterfaceDesc getLatestInterfaceDesc(
) noexcept#

Returns information about the latest version of this interface.



The carb::InterfaceDesc struct with information about the latest version of this interface.