Fully qualified name: carb::eventdispatcher
namespace eventdispatcher#
Namespace for carb.eventdispatcher.plugin and related utilities.
- Event
A presentation class for EventData . Allows querying the data via a simple C++ interface.
- IMessageQueue
An instance of a message queue.
- ObserverGuard
Structure to manage the lifetime of an observer. Similar to
- IMessageQueue::ExpectedType popAllAndDispatch(IMessageQueue *p) noexcept
Pops all entries from a message queue and dispatches them.
- EventData
Structure definition for event data. Typically not used; instead use the Event wrapper-class.
- IEventDispatcher
Interface for carb.eventdispatcher.plugin .
- IMessageQueueFactory
The interface that functions as a message queue factory.
- NamedVariant
Structure definition for a named variant: a key/value pair with a value of varying type.
- CleanupFn
Callback function called when an observer is terminated with IEventDispatcher::stopObserving() . Typically not manually used as it is generated by IEventDispatcher::observeEvent() .
- IMessageQueuePtr
A type defined as
.- Observer
A handle to an observer, registered with IEventDispatcher::observeEvent() .
- ObserverFn
Callback function called when an event is dispatched. Typically not manually used as it is generated by IEventDispatcher::observeEvent() .
- constexpr Observer kInvalidObserver
Special value indicating an invalid observer.