
Fully qualified name: omni::structuredlog

namespace structuredlog#

Structured logging and Telemetry.



A memory allocator interface, which can be overwritten with your custom allocator.


An extension of carb::cpp::basic_string_view that can handle nullptr and std::basic_string as inputs.


A helper class to calculate the required size of a binary blob.


A class to read binary blobs produced by the BlobWriter .


A class to build a binary blob.


An implementation of Allocator which will just allocate from a preallocated block of memory and never deallocate memory until the full preallocated block is freed.


Main structured log interface.


Structured log state control interface.


Structured log state control interface.


Interface to manage extra CloudEvent fields to be included in each emitted message.


Interface to manage extra CloudEvent fields to be included in each emitted message.


This interface controls the ability to send Carbonite and Omniverse logging through the structured log system.


This interface controls the ability to send Carbonite and Omniverse logging through the structured log system.


Structured log settings interface.


Interface for the second version of the IStructuredLogSettings interface.


Interface for the second version of the IStructuredLogSettings interface.


Interface for the third version of the IStructuredLogSettings interface.


Interface for the third version of the IStructuredLogSettings interface.


Structured log settings interface.


Main structured log interface.


A class to build JSON trees using JsonNode structs.


An interface for consuming the output JSON from the JsonSerializer .


An implementation of JsonConsumer that just counts the length of the output string.


An implementation of JsonConsumer that just prints to a fixed string.


A utility that allows you to easily encode JSON data.


Class for determining the allocation size required to build a JSON tree in a single block of memory.


A temporary JsonNode object that will be cleaned up at the end of a scope.



Names to control how the next event identifier is generated after each event message.


Names to control what type of event identifiers will be used for each message.


Options to do a less of a strict comparison when comparing trees.

uint8_t NodeType

The data type contained within a JsonNode .


Possible results from registering a new schema.


The tag that is applied to structuredlog messages.


void addModulesSchemas() noexcept

A function that registers all schemas within a module.

void clearJsonTree(JsonNode *node, Allocator *alloc)

Free any memory allocated to a JsonNode and clear it out to an empty node.

bool compareJsonTrees(const JsonNode *a, const JsonNode *b, JsonTreeCompareFuzz fuzz=JsonTreeCompareFuzz::eStrict)

Perform a deep comparison of two nodes.

void configureStructuredLogging(carb::settings::ISettings *settings)

Checks the settings registry for structured log settings and makes them active.

constexpr const char * getSchemaResultName(SchemaResult result)

Retrieves a string containing the name of a SchemaResult value.

void ignoreJsonTreeSerializerValidationError(const char *s)

Default value for the onValidationError template parameter.

bool serializeArray(JsonSerializerType *serial, const JsonNodeType *root, const T *constVal, BlobReaderType *reader)

Serialize an array type from a JSON tree.

bool serializeEnum(JsonSerializerType *serial, const JsonNodeType *root, T *enumChoices, BlobReaderType *reader)

bool serializeJsonTree(JsonSerializerType *serial, const JsonNodeType *root, BlobReaderType *reader)

Serialize JSON using a JsonNode as the schema and a binary blob to read data.

bool serializeJsonTree(JsonSerializerType *serial, const JsonNodeType *root, const void *blob, size_t blobSize)

Serialize JSON using a JsonNode as the schema and a binary blob to read data.

bool serializeScalar(JsonSerializerType *serial, const JsonNodeType *root, T constVal, BlobReaderType *reader)

Serialize a scalar type from a JSON tree.

bool setStructuredLogLoggingEnabled(bool enabled=true)

Enables or disables the structured logging log message redirection.



Anonymous namespace for a helper function.


Anonymous namespace for a helper function.



A descriptor for a single structured log event.


A node in a JSON structure.



Base type for flags to control how new events are allocated.


Base type for the handle to an allocated block of memory returned from either the IStructuredLog::allocSchema() or IStructuredLog::allocEvent() functions.


Base type for flags to control how events and schemas are enabled or disabled.


Base type for flags to control the behavior of processing a single event.


Base type for a unique ID of a registered event.


Base type for flags that control how extra field flags are specified or retrieved in omni::structuredlog::IStructuredLogExtraFields::getExtraCloudEventField() and omni::structuredlog::IStructuredLogExtraFields::setExtraCloudEventField().


The prototype of the function to call when a validation error occurs.


The prototype of the function to call when a validation error occurs.


Base type for the ouptut flags for the structured logging system.


Base type for the version of the event payload parser to use.


Base type for the flags for that can be passed in the flags parameter to the omni::structuredlog::IStructuredLogSettings::loadPrivacySettingsFromFile() function.


Registration function to install a schema with the structured logging system.


Base type for flags to control the behavior of the handling of a schema as a whole.


Base type for a session ID.


String view for char strings.


constexpr AllocFlags fAllocFlagOnlyQueue

Flag to indicate that the event should only be added to the queue on commit but that the consumer thread should not be started yet if it is not already running.

constexpr EnableFlags fEnableFlagAll

Flag to indicate that an enable state change should affect the entire system, not just one schema or event.

constexpr EnableFlags fEnableFlagOverrideEnableState

Flag to indicate that the enable state of each event in a schema should be overridden when the fEnableFlagWholeSchema flag is also used.

constexpr EnableFlags fEnableFlagWholeSchema

Flag to indicate that a call to IStructuredLog::setEnabled() should affect the entire schema that the named event ID belongs to instead of just the event.

constexpr EventFlags fEventFlagCriticalEvent

Flag to indicate that this event is critical to succeed and should potentially block the calling thread on IStructuredLog::allocEvent() calls if the event queue is full.

constexpr EventFlags fEventFlagOutputToStderr

Flag to indicate that this event should be output to the stderr file.

constexpr EventFlags fEventFlagOutputToStdout

Flag to indicate that this event should be output to the stdout file.

constexpr EventFlags fEventFlagSkipLog

Flag to indicate that this event should not be output to the schema's specified log file.

constexpr EventFlags fEventFlagUseLocalLog

Use the log file specified by the owning event's schema instead of the default log for the process.

constexpr ExtraFieldFlags fExtraFieldFlagNone

Value to indicate that no special flags are being specified.

constexpr OutputFlags fOutputFlagEmitCloudHeartbeat

Flag to indicate that the cloud heartbeat events should be emitted as well as the normal heartbeat events.

constexpr OutputFlags fOutputFlagNone

Special flag value to indicate that no output flags are being specified.

constexpr OutputFlags fOutputFlagPayloadOnly

Flag to indicate that only emit the payload portion of each message as the full output instead of including the CloudEvents wrapper as well.

constexpr OutputFlags fOutputFlagSkipLogHeaders

Flag to indicate that no header should be written out to log files created by the structured logging system.

constexpr PrivacyLoadFlags fPrivacyLoadFlagResetSettings

Flag to indicate that the privacy settings keys that the privacy settings that could affect user privacy functionality should be explicitly reset to their default values before loading the new privacy file.

constexpr SchemaFlags fSchemaFlagKeepLogOpen

Flag to indicate that the log file should remain open between messages.

constexpr SchemaFlags fSchemaFlagLogWithProcessId

Flag to indicate that the log file for this schema should include the process ID in the filename.

constexpr EventId kAllSchemas

A special value to indicate that an operation should affect all registered schemas.

constexpr const char * kAnonymousUserIdModeSetting

The setting path that will indicate which type of anonymous user ID will be used in cases where no user ID is provided in the privacy.toml file or the privacy.toml file is missing.

constexpr EventId kBadEventId

A special value to indicate a bad event identifier.

constexpr bool kBlobReaderNoValidate

constexpr bool kBlobReaderValidate

constexpr bool kBlobWriterNoValidate

constexpr bool kBlobWriterValidate

constexpr const char * kDefaultAnonymousUserIdMode

The default mode for how a random user ID is chosen.

constexpr bool kDefaultEmitCloudHeartbeat

The default state for whether the cloud heartbeat events will be emitted.

constexpr bool kDefaultEmitPayloadOnlySettings

The default state for whether the CloudEvents wrapper will be output with each message.

constexpr bool kDefaultEnableJsonStdout

The default enable mode for the 'JSON on stdout' feature.

constexpr size_t kDefaultEventQueueSize

The default value for the event queue size in bytes.

constexpr uint64_t kDefaultHeartbeatPeriod

The default minimum time between heartbeat events in seconds.

constexpr IdMode kDefaultIdMode

The default mode for generating event IDs.

constexpr IdType kDefaultIdType

The default type of event ID to generate.

constexpr const char * kDefaultLogNameSetting

The default log name to use.

constexpr EventId kDefaultLogPathEvent

A special name to request the log file path for the default log (if set).

constexpr const char * kDefaultLogPathName

A special name for the default log output path.

constexpr size_t kDefaultLogRetentionCount

The default log retention setting.

constexpr int64_t kDefaultLogSizeLimit

Constants for default and minimum values for various settings.

constexpr bool kDefaultNeedLogHeaders

The default state for whether headers will be added to each written log file.

constexpr int64_t kDefaultQueueHighWaterMark

The default high water mark for the queue.

constexpr const char * kEmitCloudHeartbeatSetting

The setting path that will indicate whether the cloud heartbeat events will be enabled.

constexpr const char * kEmitPayloadOnlySettings

The setting path that will indicate whether the CloudEvents wrapper should be added to the payload of each emitted event.

constexpr const char * kEnableJsonStdoutSetting

The setting path that indicates whether the 'JSON on stdout' functionality is enabled or not.

constexpr const char * kEnableLogConsumerSetting

The setting path for the log consumer toggle.

constexpr const char * kEventIdModeSetting

The setting path for the event identifier mode.

constexpr const char * kEventIdTypeSetting

The setting path for the event identifier data type.

constexpr const char * kEventQueueSizeSetting

The setting path for the size of the event queue buffer in kilobytes.

constexpr const char * kEventsStateArraySetting

The setting path to an array that will contain zero or more values that will be used to disable or enable events when they are first registered.

constexpr const char * kEventsStateListSetting

The setting path that will contain zero or more keys that will be used to disable events when they are first registered.

constexpr const char * kExtraFieldsSettingBranch

The settings branch that will be expected to contain zero or more key/value pairs for extra fields to be added to each output message.

constexpr const char * kGlobalEnableSetting

Names for various settings that can be used to override some of the default settings.

constexpr uint64_t kHeartbeatDisabled

Special value to indicate that the heartbeat event should be disabled.

constexpr const char * kHeartbeatPeriodSetting

The setting path that will contain the minimum number of seconds between heartbeat events A heartbeat event is one that is sent periodically to help calculate session lengths even if the expected 'exit' or 'crash' process lifetime events are missing.

constexpr const char * kLogDirectory

Specifies the directory that log files should be written to.

constexpr const char * kLogRetentionCountSetting

The setting path for the log retention count.

constexpr const char * kLogSizeLimitSetting

The setting path for the log size limit in megabytes.

constexpr size_t kMaxEventQueueSize

The maximum allowed event queue size in bytes.

constexpr size_t kMaxMessageLength

Approximate size of the maximum data payload in bytes that a message can contain that can be transmitted in a single message.

constexpr size_t kMaxMessageLengthBase64

Approximate size of the maximum data payload in bytes that a message can contain that can be transmitted in a single message when the payload is encoded in Base64.

constexpr size_t kMinEventQueueSize

The minimum allowed event queue size in bytes.

constexpr size_t kMinLogRetentionCount

The minimum allowed log retention setting.

constexpr int64_t kMinLogSizeLimit

The minimum value that can be set for the log size limit in bytes.

constexpr const char * kNeedLogHeadersSetting

The setting path that will indicate whether headers will be added to each log file that is written to disk.

constexpr size_t kNullTerminatedString

A special string length value to indicate that a string parameter to a generated event sending function is null terminated and should have its length calculated instead of passing in an explicit length.

constexpr ParserVersion kParserVersion

The current event payload parser version that will be used in the IStructuredLog interface.

constexpr const char * kPrivacyFileSetting

The setting path for the privacy settings file to load.

constexpr const char * kQueueHighWaterMark

This sets the point where omni.structuredlog will decide that the queue is overfilled and will automatically increase the queue size.

constexpr size_t kRecommendedLoggingEventQueueSize

The recommended size for the event queue when log redirection is enabled.

constexpr const char * kSchemasStateArraySetting

The setting path to an array that will contain zero or more values that will be used to disable or enable schemas when they are first registered.

constexpr const char * kSchemasStateListSetting

The setting path that will contain zero or more keys that will be used to disable schemas when they are first registered.

constexpr const char * kSchemasThroughputLimitsSetting

This is the path for settings tree that contains the set of schemas or wildcards to set the maximum allowable throughput measured in bytes per second.

constexpr const char * kSchemasThroughputPeriodSetting

This is the path for settings tree that contains the set of schemas or wildcards to set the time period (in milliseconds) for the throughput limits defined by kSchemasThroughputLimitsSetting .

constexpr const char * kStructuredLogPluginName

The expected base name for the structured log plugin.