Fully qualified name: omni::structuredlog::IdType
Defined in omni/structuredlog/IStructuredLogSettings.h
enum class omni::structuredlog::IdType#
Names to control what type of event identifiers will be used for each message.
enumerator eUuid#
Generate a 128 bit UUID identifier.
The probability of an identifier collision between two events will be especially small with this type, especially when using random identifiers. This however does have a small performance penalty to process these identifiers and could result in the event processing thread getting backed up if a large number of events are being pushed frequently.
enumerator eUint64#
Generate a 64-bit integer identifier.
The probability of an identifier collision between two events will be higher but still small with this type, especially when using random identifiers. This identifier type is more performant and more easily sortable however. This identifier type is useful when event processing performance is most important.
enumerator eUuid#