Publish a Package


The ultimate goal is to transform your hard work into a product that others can realize value from. The publishing process helps you to achieve this by relocating the Packaged Build to a location suitable for installation or deployment. Omniverse offers a wide array of endpoints including integrated ZIP files, Cloud systems, Streaming systems, Git repositories, customized CMS, and more. Although the functional content of a package can be consistent across platforms, the delivery and installation methods may vary. This section guides you through the process of publishing your project to reach your intended audience.

It’s important to keep in mind that you can publish your project to multiple destinations as long as you can meet the requirements for each of them. Some might require particular Package steps, others may require that you create a Package for a particular platform. In any case, it is important to note that you can create your development workflow around generating multiple Packages intended for multiple publishing destinations.

Direct Deployment

Instructions to Install Packages Directly to End User