Build a Project


Depending on the nature of your project, a ‘build step’ may be required as development progresses. Omniverse supports this step with a variety of scripts and tools that generate a representation of the final product, enabling subsequent testing, debugging, and packaging.

Build-less Projects

Python-only extensions do not require a build step.

Your project might simply be an Extension within another Application, consisting of purely Python code. If that’s the case, you can bypass the build step for the time being. However, if the complexity of your project increases or you decide to create a tailored Application around your extension, introducing a build step into your development process might become necessary.

“Repo Build”

The Repo Tool is your most likely method for building a Project. This tool operates on both Linux and Windows platforms, providing functionalities ranging from creating new extensions from a template to packaging your final build for distribution.

For access to the current list of available tools via Repo, you can use the following command in a terminal:

repo -h

By Default, you can execute a build which compiles a release target by entering:

repo build

Other options include:

  • -r [default] will build only the release pipeline.

  • -d will build only the debug pipeline.

  • -c will delete all build files in the _build folder.

  • -x will cause a full rebuild of all files.

  • -u will update dependency versions in the .kit file.

After executing a repo build, a _build folder is generated, containing targets that you’ve selected to build.

Within this directory, you will find a script file which loads the .kit file that you created for your Project. Alternatively, if you created an Extension, a script file should be present to load the Application you added your Extension to.

Building Applications, Extensions, and Services

To build your own Applications, Extensions, and Services, you can leverage the Kit App Template repository as a starting point. Detailed instructions and hands-on practical examples can be found in the Kit App Template Companion Tutorial.

Build with Kit App Template

Building Connectors

The “Repo Build” instructions are relevant if you are building the Connect SDK or the Connect Samples for yourself. On the other hand, when you are developing your own Connector, you will want to integrate Connect SDK into your build system. The Connect SDK documentation provides a basic guide for integrating Connect SDK and building a Connector on multiple platforms. Learn the basic concepts from the guide and apply it to your build system.

Build a Connector