Sd Post Render Var Display Texture#
Synthetic Data node to copy the input aov texture into the corresponding visualization texture
To use this node enable omni.syntheticdata in the Extension Manager.
Name |
Type |
Descripton |
Default |
Camera Fisheye Params (inputs:cameraFisheyeParams) |
Camera fisheye projection parameters |
[] |
Camera Model (inputs:cameraModel) |
Camera model (pinhole or fisheye models) |
0 |
Camera Near Far (inputs:cameraNearFar) |
Camera near/far clipping range |
[0.0, 0.0] |
Exec (inputs:exec) |
Trigger |
None |
gpuFoundations (inputs:gpu) |
Pointer to shared context containing gpu foundations |
0 |
Instance Map SD Cuda Ptr (inputs:instanceMapSDCudaPtr) |
cuda uint16_t buffer pointer of size numInstances containing the instance parent semantic index |
0 |
Instance Mapping Info SD Ptr (inputs:instanceMappingInfoSDPtr) |
uint buffer pointer containing the following information : [numInstances, minInstanceId, numSemantics, minSemanticId, numProtoSemantic] |
0 |
Meters Per Scene Unit (inputs:metersPerSceneUnit) |
Scene units to meters scale |
0.0 |
Mode (inputs:mode) |
Display mode |
autoMode |
Parameters (inputs:parameters) |
Display parameters |
[0.0, 5.0, 0.33, 0.27] |
Render Var (inputs:renderVar) |
Name of the input RenderVar to display |
Render Var Display (inputs:renderVarDisplay) |
Name of the output display RenderVar |
renderProduct (inputs:rp) |
Pointer to render product for this view |
0 |
Sd Display Height (inputs:sdDisplayHeight) |
Visualization texture Height |
0 |
Sd Display Width (inputs:sdDisplayWidth) |
Visualization texture width |
0 |
Sd Sem B Box3d Cam Corners Cuda Ptr (inputs:sdSemBBox3dCamCornersCudaPtr) |
Cuda buffer containing the projection of the 3d bounding boxes on the camera plane represented as a float3=(u,v,z,a) for each bounding box corners |
0 |
Sd Sem B Box3d Cam Extent Cuda Ptr (inputs:sdSemBBox3dCamExtentCudaPtr) |
Cuda buffer containing the 2d extent of the 3d bounding boxes on the camera plane represented as a float6=(u_min,u_max,v_min,v_max,z_min,z_max) |
0 |
Sd Sem B Box Extent Cuda Ptr (inputs:sdSemBBoxExtentCudaPtr) |
Cuda buffer containing the extent of the bounding boxes as a float4=(u_min,v_min,u_max,v_max) for 2D or a float6=(xmin,ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax,zmax) in object space for 3D |
0 |
Sd Sem B Box Infos Cuda Ptr (inputs:sdSemBBoxInfosCudaPtr) |
Cuda buffer containing valid bounding boxes infos |
0 |
Semantic Label Token SD Cuda Ptr (inputs:semanticLabelTokenSDCudaPtr) |
cuda uint64_t buffer pointer of size numSemantics containing the semantic label token |
0 |
Semantic Map SD Cuda Ptr (inputs:semanticMapSDCudaPtr) |
cuda uint16_t buffer pointer of size numSemantics containing the semantic parent semantic index |
0 |
Semantic Prim Token SD Cuda Ptr (inputs:semanticPrimTokenSDCudaPtr) |
cuda uint64_t buffer pointer of size numSemantics containing the semantic path token |
0 |
Semantic World Transform SD Cuda Ptr (inputs:semanticWorldTransformSDCudaPtr) |
cuda float44 buffer pointer of size numSemantics containing the world semantic transform |
0 |
Name |
Type |
Descripton |
Default |
Cuda Ptr (outputs:cudaPtr) |
Display texture CUDA pointer |
None |
Exec (outputs:exec) |
Trigger |
None |
Format (outputs:format) |
Display texture format |
None |
Height (outputs:height) |
Display texture height |
None |
Render Var Display (outputs:renderVarDisplay) |
Name of the output display RenderVar |
None |
Width (outputs:width) |
Display texture width |
None |
Name |
Value |
Unique ID |
omni.syntheticdata.SdPostRenderVarDisplayTexture |
Version |
1 |
Extension |
omni.syntheticdata |
Has State? |
False |
Implementation Language |
C++ |
Default Memory Type |
cpu |
Generated Code Exclusions |
None |
__tokens |
[“LdrColorSD”, “Camera3dPositionSD”, “DistanceToImagePlaneSD”, “DistanceToCameraSD”, “InstanceSegmentationSD”, “SemanticSegmentationSD”, “NormalSD”, “TargetMotionSD”, “BoundingBox2DTightSD”, “BoundingBox2DLooseSD”, “BoundingBox3DSD”, “OcclusionSD”, “TruncationSD”, “CrossCorrespondenceSD”, “SemanticBoundingBox2DExtentTightSD”, “SemanticBoundingBox2DInfosTightSD”, “SemanticBoundingBox2DExtentLooseSD”, “SemanticBoundingBox2DInfosLooseSD”, “SemanticBoundingBox3DExtentSD”, “SemanticBoundingBox3DInfosSD”, “SemanticBoundingBox3DCamCornersSD”, “SemanticBoundingBox3DDisplayAxesSD”, “autoMode”, “colorMode”, “scaled3dVectorMode”, “clippedValueMode”, “normalized3dVectorMode”, “segmentationMapMode”, “instanceMapMode”, “semanticPathMode”, “semanticLabelMode”, “semanticBoundingBox2dMode”, “rawBoundingBox2dMode”, “semanticProjBoundingBox3dMode”, “semanticBoundingBox3dMode”, “rawBoundingBox3dMode”, “pinhole”, “perspective”, “orthographic”, “fisheyePolynomial”] |
Categories |
graph:postRender,rendering,internal |
Generated Class Name |
OgnSdPostRenderVarDisplayTextureDatabase |
Python Module |
omni.syntheticdata |