Export as Prop

Like Publish as Project, this exports your file to the desired location as a more compact Prop format.

Export Prop


When you export your file, you create a connection for Live Sync which is visible in the Live Sync Path dialogue.

Publish Prop

When Export is clicked, the Revit model is saved as a .usd file.




Path to the Currently Selected Directory

Left Pane

Lists NVIDIA Omniverse™ Nucleus Directories (If Logged-In) and Local Drives / Directories

Center Pane

Lists Files and Folders in Currently Selected Directory

Right Pane

File/Folder information, Checkpoint Comment input

File Name

Name of the File to Save


Choose between .usd, .usda etc

Publish Prop

Publishes the Revit file using the Prop Workflow.


Stops the Export Process and Closes Publish Dialogue