OmniGraph Architecture

Data model

The heart of any graph system is its data model, as it strictly limits the range of compute expressible with the graph. Imagine what sort of compute can be expressed if the graph can only accept two integers, for example. OmniGraph supports a range of options for the data coursing through its connections.

Regular attributes

As the most basic and straightforward, you can predeclare any attributes supported by USD on the node. Give it a name, a type, and a description, and that’s pretty much all there is to it. OGN will synthesize the rest. While straightforward, this option limits the data to that which is predeclared, and limits the data types to the default ones available in USD.


To address the limitations of “regular” attributes, we introduced the notion of the “bundle”. As the name suggests, this is a flexible “bundle” of data, similar to a prim. One can dynamically create any number of attributes inside the bundle and transport that data down the graph. This serves two important purposes. First, the system becomes more flexible - we are no longer limited to pre-declared data. Second, the system becomes more usable. Instead of many connections in the graph, we have just a single connection, with all the necessary data that needs to be transported.

Extended Attributes

While bundles are flexible and powerful, they are still not enough. This is because its often desirable to apply a given set of functionality against a variety of data types. Think, for example, the functionality to add things. While the concept is the same, one might want to add integers, floats, and arrays of them, to name a few. It would be infeasible to create separate nodes for each possible type. Instead, we create the notion of extended attributes, where the attribute has just an unresolved placeholder at node creation time. Once the attribute is connected to another, regular attribute, it resolves to the type of that regular attribute. Note that extended attributes will not extend to bundles.

Dynamic Attributes

Sometimes, it is desirable to modify an individual node instance rather than the node type. An example is a script node, where the user wants to just type in some bits of Python to create some custom functionality, without going through the trouble of creating a new node type. To this end it would be really beneficial to just be able to add some custom attributes onto the node instance (as opposed to the node type), to customize it for use. Dynamic attributes are created for this purpose - these are attributes that are not predeclared, and do not exist on the node type, but rather tacked on at runtime onto the node instance.


Node systems come with a lot of boilerplate. For example, for every attribute one adds on a node, there needs to be code to create the attribute, initialize its value, and verify its value before compute, as a few examples. If the node writer is made responsible for these mundane tasks, not only would that add substantially to the overall cost of writing and maintaining the node, but also impact the robustness of the system overall as there may be inconsistencies/errors in how node writers go about implementing that functionality.

Instead, we created a code synthesizing system named OGN (OmniGraph Nodes) to alleviate those issues. From a single json description of the node, OGN is able to synthesize all the boilerplate code to take the burden off developers and keep them focused on the core functionality of the node. In addition, from the same information, OGN is able to synthesize the docs and the tests for the node if the node writer provides it with expected inputs and outputs.

Look for instructions on how to make use of the .ogn formatin in the OGN User Guide with the manual of all accepted inputs in the format in the OGN Reference Guide.

OmniGraph is a graph of graphs

Due to the wide range of use cases it needs to handle, a key design goal for OmniGraph is to able to create graphs of any kind, and not just the traditional flow graphs. To achieve this goal, OmniGraph maintains strict separation between graph representation, embodied the Authoring Graph, and graph evaluation, embodied in the internal Execution Graph. Different evaluators can attach different semantics to the graph representation, and thus create any kind of graph. Broadly speaking, graph evaluators translate the graph representation into schedulable tasks. These tasks are then scheduled with the scheduling component.

As of this writing this mechanism has not been fully exposed externally. Creating new graph types still requires modification to the graph core. That said, we have already created several graph types, including busy graph (push), lazy evaluation graph (dirty_push), and event handling graph (action).

push Graph

This is the simplest of graph types. Nodes are translated to tasks on a one to one basis every single frame, causing all nodes in the graph to be scheduled.

dirty_push Graph

This is a lazy evaluation graph. When nodes are modified, they send dirty bits downstream, just like traditional pull graphs as in Maya or Houdini, if the reader is familiar with those systems. However, unlike standard pull graphs, all dirtied nodes are scheduled, rather than the subset whose output is requested as in standard pull graphs. This is due to the fact that our viewport is not yet setup to generate the “pull”. That said, just by scheduling only the dirtied nodes, this graph already goes most of the way in terms of minimizing the amount of work by not scheduling nodes that have not changed.

action graph

This is a graph type that is able to respond to events, such as mouse clicked or time changed. In response to these events, we can trigger certain downstream nodes into executing. The graph works in a similar way to Blueprints in UnReal Engine, in case the user is familiar with that system. This graph contains specialized attributes (execution) that allow users to describe the execution path upon receipt of an event. Action graphs also supports constructs such as branching and looping.

Pipeline Stages

Graphs are currently organized into several categories, also called “pipeline stages”. There are currently 4 pipeline stages: simulation, pre-render, post-render, and on-demand. Graphs in the simulation pipeline stage are run before those in pre-render which in turn are run before those in post-render. When a pipeline stage runs, all the graphs contained in the pipeline stage are evaluated. The on-demand pipeline stage is a collection of graphs that aren’t run in the above described order. Instead, are individually run at an unspecified time. The owner of the graphs in the on-demand stage are responsible for calling evaluate on the graph and thus “ticking” them.

Root Graphs

Within each pipeline stage, there may be a number of graphs, all independent of each other. Each of these independent graphs are known as a root graph. Root graphs are special in two ways:

  1. They may have their own Fabric. When the root graph is created, it can specify whether it wants to use the “StageWithHistory” cache, or its very own “StageWithoutHistory” cache. Since there is only one SimStageWithHistory cache, specifying the shared option with a root graph is the same as specifying the SimStageWithHistory option.

  2. They handle USD notices

Root graphs that share a Fabric cache must be more careful - currently update operations (say moving an object by updating its transform) are threadsafe, but adding / deleting things from the shared Fabric are not.

Orchestration Graph

Within a pipeline stage, how do we determine the order of execution of all the root graphs contained in it? The answer is the orchestration graph. Each root graph is wrapped as a node in this orchestration graph. By default, all the nodes are independent, meaning the graphs can potentially execute in parallel, independent of each other. However, if ordering is important, the nodes that wrap the graph may introduce edges to specify ordering of graph execution. While graphs in the on-demand pipeline stage also do have an orchestration graph, no edges are permitted in here as the graphs in this stage aren’t necessarily executed together.

Compound Graph

Within a root graph, there may be one or more compound graphs. Compound graphs are subgraphs made of up several nodes. Compound graphs are useful for encapsulating a set of nodes that are commonly used together. In the data model, a compound graph shares the same Fabric cache as the root graph it is contained in. In terms of execution, while it is common that a compound graph shares the graph type with its root graph, it is not required.


All of OmniGraph’s functionality is fully bound to Python. This allows scripting, testing in Python, as well as writing of nodes in Python. Python is a first class citizen in OmniGraph. The full Python API and commands are documented at Python Nodes and Scripts.


Although you can see these in the extension window it is cluttered up with non-OmniGraph extensions. This is a distillation of how all of the omni.graph.XXX extensions depend on each other. Dotted lines represent optional dependencies. Lines with numbers represent dependencies on specific extension version numbers. Lines with Test Only represent dependencies that are only enabled for the purposes of running the extension’s test suite.

flowchart LR subgraph Core core(omni.graph.core) inspect(omni.inspect) py(omni.graph) tools( end subgraph UI ui(omni.graph.ui) win(omni.graph.window.action) win_core(omni.graph.window.core) win_gen(omni.graph.window.generic) end subgraph Nodes ex_cpp(omni.graph.examples.cpp) ex_py(omni.graph.examples.python) action(omni.graph.action) nodes(omni.graph.nodes) script(omni.graph.scriptnode) end subgraph Support ext(omni.graph.example.ext) test(omni.graph.test) tut(omni.graph.tutorials) end bundle(omni.graph.bundle.action) core -.-> inspect py --> core py --> tools ex_cpp --> py ex_cpp --> tools ex_py --> py ex_py --> tools action --> py action --> tools action -.-> ui bundle --> py bundle --> action bundle --> nodes bundle --> tut bundle --> ui bundle --> win bundle --> inst inst --> core inst --> py inst --> tools inst --> nodes inst --> ui ui --> py ui --> tools ui -- Test Only --> action exp --> py exp --> tools ext --> py ext --> tools io --> py io --> ui nodes --> py nodes --> script nodes --> tools nodes -.-> ui script --> py script --> tools script --> action test --> py test --> tools test --> ex_cpp test --> ex_py test --> nodes test --> tut test --> action test --> script tut --> py tut --> nodes tut --> tools win_core -- 1.11 --> py win_core --> tools win_core -- 1.5 --> ui win_gen -- 1.16 --> win_core win_gen -- 1.5 --> ui win -- 1.16 --> win_core win -- 1.5 --> ui