
As is usual in software development we have more ideas than time to implement them. This is a collection of such ideas that we would like to be able to implement. Addressing these will be prioritized as resources and interests dictate.

  • When a USD file is loaded containing OmniGraph nodes then automatically the extensions in which they are implemented

  • Replace the Node Description Editor with something more modern that has functionality on parity with .ogn files

  • Add support for arrays of bundles

  • Add support for arrays of strings

  • Add the ability for bundle attributes to contain “any” or “union” type attributes

  • Add the ability to put “any” or “union” type attributes in bundles

  • Allow implementations of a node that work on both CPU and GPU

  • Add the ability to easily create Python node type definitions at runtime

Pending Deprecations

As described in OmniGraph Versioning we attempt to provide backward compatibility for as long as we can. That notwithstanding it will always be a smoother experience for you if you migrate away from using deprecated functionality at your earliest convenience to ensure maximum compatibility.