Connect 101.1.411

  • Updated Client Library to match version of Create/View

  • Component mapping during Publish is now optional

  • Component mapping is controlled by the <Documents>/Omniverse/SketchUp/omniverseSketchUpPlanttable.csv file

    • Column 1: EXCLUDE in the first column denotes components used in SketchUp files but not mapped GENERIC in the first column will do a simple search of the component name using the value in the second column <Anything Else> in the first column will do an exact match of the value in the second column for replacement

    • Column 2: Name of the component in SketchUp

    • Column 3: Scale value of the USD object, default is 1, meaning 100%

    • Column 4: Rotation value in degrees about the pivot point of the USD object, default is 0

    • Column 5: Name of USD to substitute for the SketchUp component (no .usd in this name)

    • Column 6: Path to where the USD object lives in the Omniverse Nucleus server (note the / on the end of the path)

  • Publish Prop is now available in addition to Publish to Project. This allows a SketchUp model to be saved as just a USD without the project framework around it.