- class omni.ui.scene.Manipulator
The base object for the custom manipulators.
(self, **kwargs)call_on_build_fn
(self, arg0)Called when Manipulator is dirty to build the content.
(self)Called when Manipulator is dirty to build the content.
(self)Make Manipulator dirty so onBuild will be executed in _preDrawContent.
(self)Called when Manipulator is dirty to build the content.
(self, arg0)Called by the model when the model value is changed.
(self, fn)Called when Manipulator is dirty to build the content.
All the gestures assigned to this manipulator.
Returns the current model.
- __init__(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator, **kwargs) None
- call_on_build_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator, arg0: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator) None
Called when Manipulator is dirty to build the content. It’s another way to build the manipulator’s content on the case the user doesn’t want to reimplement the class.
- has_on_build_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator) bool
Called when Manipulator is dirty to build the content. It’s another way to build the manipulator’s content on the case the user doesn’t want to reimplement the class.
- invalidate(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator) None
Make Manipulator dirty so onBuild will be executed in _preDrawContent.
- on_build(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator) None
Called when Manipulator is dirty to build the content. It’s another way to build the manipulator’s content on the case the user doesn’t want to reimplement the class.
- on_model_updated(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator, arg0: omni::ui::scene::AbstractManipulatorModel::AbstractManipulatorItem) None
Called by the model when the model value is changed. The class should react to the changes.
### Arguments:
- `item :`
The item in the model that is changed. If it’s NULL, the root is changed.
- set_on_build_fn(self: omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator, fn: Callable[[omni.ui_scene._scene.Manipulator], None]) None
Called when Manipulator is dirty to build the content. It’s another way to build the manipulator’s content on the case the user doesn’t want to reimplement the class.
- property gestures
All the gestures assigned to this manipulator.
- property model
Returns the current model.