RTX Radar Nodes#

There is one RTX Radar specific nodes. It can be used on the RtxSensorCpu AOV that is output from the sensor camera created with the IsaacSensorCreateRtxRadar command.

This section describes the node, and any input parameter that can control it, and lists the synthetic data writers that use it. For an explanation of their output, see their corresponding Annotators.

Compute RTX Radar Point Cloud Node#


This nodes takes the per frame data from the sensor and creates a point cloud from it. It outputs every rendering frame, and does not wait for the Hz of the radar. The point cloud data computed form this node is output in the ISO 8855 standard in the coordinate system of the sensor. The transform output can transform that point cloud to world coordinates for easy viewing in the scene. The Render Product Path should be from the same render product that the RtxSensorCpu buffer came from.

The RTX Radar can output many points that have invalid returns, so using the Keep Only Positive Distance parameter will do as it says, and keep only distances that are greater than 0. Be warned that when using it, the number of points may be a lot lower, and that number will also likely change from frame to frame.

The three error parameters are designed to mimic Lidar accuracy error, and are applied to all output points equally.

The annotator that creates this node is RtxSensorCpuIsaacComputeRTXRadarPointCloud.

The RtxRadarDebugDrawPointCloud Writer displays the points output in data in the current stage.