Finding a Profile#
While application profiles are similar to applications and their versions in many respects, they carry a special role in that they contain the configuration information for how the Kit App will be deployed onto a GPU Worker Node. This information not only determines things such as how many CPUs or memory is allocated to the Kit App, but it can also specify information such as authorization, network load balancing and encryption.
Profiles are also unique, in that they can carry a many to many relationship with applications and versions, through the use of a wildcard “*” for either. This has advantages in regards to management, in that it is possible to create profiles that are highly configured to your environment and that can be applied to all applications and versions.
Given the specific deployment information contained in a profile, you will likely need to coordinate with your cluster’s administrators to ensure that you are specifying the best profile for your needs.
Query all profiles for a given application and version. You can use wildcards for either
GET /cfg/apps/{id}/versions/{version}/profiles - List all profiles for a specific version
Retrieve a list of all profiles for a specific version of an application.
Request Parameters
id (string, required): Unique identifier of the application.
version (string, required): Version of the application.
The request was successful. Below is the response body.
{ "count": 2, "items": [ { "id": "default", "name": "Default application profile", "description": "The default profile for running the application." }, { "id": "high-mem", "name": "High memory profile", "description": "A profile with increased memory allocation." } ] }You do not have permission to access this resource.
The requested profiles were not found.
There was a validation error in the request.
Confirm a profile exists for a given application and version. You can use wildcards for either
GET /cfg/apps/{id}/versions/{version}/profiles/{profile} - Retrieve a specific profile
Retrieve metadata for a specific profile of an application version.
Request Parameters
id (string, required): Unique identifier of the application.
version (string, required): Version of the application.
profile (string, required): Unique identifier of the profile.
The request was successful. Below is the response body.
{ "id": "default", "name": "Default application profile", "description": "The default profile for running the application." }You do not have permission to access this profile.
The requested profile was not found.
- Additional resources:
Live API documentation on your instance
Application Profile configuration guide
Application Profile deployment guide