Ingress Router Container Configuration

Nucleus 2023.2.0

  1. Edit the main Enterprise Nucleus Server configuration file and locate the SSL_INGRESS configuration section. If using the recommended default installation location, this will be: /opt/ove/base_stack/nucleus-stack.env

  2. Edit the following options:

    • SERVER_IP_OR_HOST - The local network interface IP Address of your Enterprise Nucleus Server

    • SSL_INGRESS_HOST - The URL for your Enterprise Nucleus Server and related SSL/TLS certificate

    • SSL_INGRESS_PORT - The TCP Port (The default is 443)

    • SSL_INGRESS_RESOLVER - The DNS resolver for your server*

    • SSL_CERT - The local path to the SSL/TLS full chain certificate

    • SSL_CERT_KEY - The local path to the SSL/TLS private key


    You may need to provide the full certificate chain, depending on your issuing Certificate Authority (CA). NGINX requires all of your certificates to be contained within a single file and be in the following order (top to bottom): Domain Cert > Interim Cert > CA/Root Cert.


    *The DNS resolver is only required in certain situations. If required, specify the same DNS server as configured on your Enterprise Nucleus Server.

  3. When starting the Enterprise Nucleus Server, the nucleus-stack-ssl.yml and nucleus-ingress-router.yml files must be used.

    sudo docker compose --env-file /opt/ove/base_stack/nucleus-stack.env -f \
    /opt/ove/base_stack/nucleus-stack-ssl.yml -f \
    /opt/ove/base_stack/nucleus-ingress-router.yml up -d