File members: usdrt/gf/quat.h
// Copyright (c) 2021-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
// and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
// and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
// distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
// license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
#pragma once
#include <usdrt/gf/defines.h>
#include <usdrt/gf/math.h>
#include <usdrt/gf/traits.h>
#include <usdrt/gf/vec.h>
#include <initializer_list>
namespace omni
namespace math
namespace linalg
// Forward declaration, just for the using statement, below.
class half;
template <typename T>
class quat : private base_vec<T, 4>
using base_type = base_vec<T, 4>;
// usdrt edit
using typename base_type::const_iterator;
using typename base_type::const_pointer;
using typename base_type::const_reference;
using typename base_type::difference_type;
using typename base_type::iterator;
using typename base_type::pointer;
using typename base_type::reference;
using typename base_type::size_type;
using typename base_type::value_type;
// end usdrt edit
using ScalarType = T;
using ImaginaryType = vec3<T>;
constexpr static size_t dimension = 4;
constexpr static size_t real_index = 3;
constexpr static size_t imaginary_index = 0;
quat() = default;
constexpr quat(const quat<T>&) = default;
// Explicit conversion from base class, to avoid issues on that front.
constexpr explicit CUDA_CALLABLE quat(const base_type& other) : base_type(other)
// NOTE: This usually only makes sense for real being -1, 0, or 1.
constexpr explicit CUDA_CALLABLE quat(T real) : base_type(T(0), T(0), T(0), real)
// NOTE: The order of the arguments is different from the order in memory!
constexpr CUDA_CALLABLE quat(T real, T i, T j, T k) : base_type(i, j, k, real)
// NOTE: The order of the arguments is different from the order in memory!
constexpr CUDA_CALLABLE quat(T real, vec3<T> imaginary) : base_type(imaginary[0], imaginary[1], imaginary[2], real)
template <typename OTHER_T>
explicit CUDA_CALLABLE quat(const quat<OTHER_T>& other) : quat(T(other.GetReal()), vec3<T>(other.GetImaginary()))
// NOTE: The order of the arguments is different from the order in memory,
// so we can't delegate directly to the base class constructor.
template <typename OTHER_T>
CUDA_CALLABLE quat(const std::initializer_list<OTHER_T>& other) noexcept : base_type(T(0), T(0), T(0), T(0))
CUDA_SAFE_ASSERT(other.size() == 4);
if (other.size() != 4)
// Order change as above
base_type::operator[](0) = other.begin()[1];
base_type::operator[](1) = other.begin()[2];
base_type::operator[](2) = other.begin()[3];
base_type::operator[](3) = other.begin()[0];
static CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T> GetIdentity()
return quat<T>(T(1));
CUDA_CALLABLE T GetReal() const
return base_type::operator[](real_index);
CUDA_CALLABLE void SetReal(T real)
base_type::operator[](real_index) = real;
CUDA_CALLABLE vec3<T> GetImaginary() const
return vec3<T>(base_type::operator[](imaginary_index), base_type::operator[](imaginary_index + 1),
base_type::operator[](imaginary_index + 2));
CUDA_CALLABLE void SetImaginary(const vec3<T>& imaginary)
base_type::operator[](imaginary_index) = imaginary[0];
base_type::operator[](imaginary_index + 1) = imaginary[1];
base_type::operator[](imaginary_index + 2) = imaginary[2];
CUDA_CALLABLE void SetImaginary(T i, T j, T k)
base_type::operator[](imaginary_index) = i;
base_type::operator[](imaginary_index + 1) = j;
base_type::operator[](imaginary_index + 2) = k;
constexpr CUDA_CALLABLE T Dot(const quat<T>& other) const
return base_type::Dot(other);
// return GetImaginary().Dot(other.GetImaginary()) + GetReal() * other.GetReal();
using base_type::data;
using base_type::GetLength;
using base_type::GetLengthSq;
using base_type::Normalize;
CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T> GetNormalized() const
return quat<T>(base_type::GetNormalized());
CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T> GetConjugate() const
return quat<T>(GetReal(), -GetImaginary());
CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T> GetInverse() const
return GetConjugate() / GetLengthSq();
CUDA_CALLABLE vec3<T> Transform(const vec3<T>& point) const
const auto& cosTheta = GetReal();
const T cosTheta2 = GetReal() * GetReal();
const vec3<T> sinThetas = GetImaginary();
const T sinTheta2 = sinThetas.GetLengthSq();
const T length2 = cosTheta2 + sinTheta2;
const T cos2Theta = cosTheta2 - sinTheta2;
return (cos2Theta * point +
((2 * GfDot(sinThetas, point)) * sinThetas + (2 * cosTheta) * GfCross(sinThetas, point))) /
// NOTE: To avoid including Boost unless absolutely necessary, hash_value() is not defined here.
CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T> operator-() const
return quat<T>(-GetReal(), -GetImaginary());
CUDA_CALLABLE bool operator==(const quat<T>& other) const
return (GetImaginary() == other.GetImaginary()) && (GetReal() == other.GetReal());
CUDA_CALLABLE bool operator!=(const quat<T>& other) const
return !(*this == other);
CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T>& operator*=(const quat<T>& other)
const T r0 = GetReal();
const T r1 = other.GetReal();
const vec3<T> i0 = GetImaginary();
const vec3<T> i1 = other.GetImaginary();
// TODO: This isn't the most efficient way to multiply two quaternions.
SetImaginary(r0 * i1 + r1 * i0 + GfCross(i0, i1));
SetReal(r0 * r1 - i0.Dot(i1));
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T>& operator*=(T scalar)
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T>& operator/=(T scalar)
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T>& operator+=(const quat<T>& other)
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T>& operator-=(const quat<T>& other)
return *this;
friend CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T> operator+(const quat<T>& a, const quat<T>& b)
return quat<T>(((const base_type&)a) + ((const base_type&)b));
friend CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T> operator-(const quat<T>& a, const quat<T>& b)
return quat<T>(((const base_type&)a) - ((const base_type&)b));
friend CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T> operator*(const quat<T>& a, const quat<T>& b)
quat<T> product(a);
product *= b;
return product;
friend CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T> operator*(const quat<T>& q, T scalar)
return quat<T>(((const base_type&)q) * scalar);
friend CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T> operator*(T scalar, const quat<T>& q)
return quat<T>(((const base_type&)q) * scalar);
friend CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T> operator/(const quat<T>& q, T scalar)
return quat<T>(((const base_type&)q) / scalar);
template <typename T>
CUDA_CALLABLE T GfDot(const quat<T>& a, const quat<T>& b)
return a.Dot(b);
template <typename T>
CUDA_CALLABLE bool GfIsClose(const quat<T>& a, const quat<T>& b, double tolerance)
auto distanceSq = (a - b).GetLengthSq();
return distanceSq <= tolerance * tolerance;
template <typename T>
CUDA_CALLABLE quat<T> GfSlerp(const quat<T>& a, const quat<T>& b, double t)
const quat<double> ad(a);
quat<double> bd(b);
double d = ad.Dot(bd);
// NOTE: Although a proper slerp wouldn't flip b on negative dot, this flips b
// for compatibility. Quaternions cover the space of orientations twice, so this
// avoids interpolating between orientations that are more than 180 degrees apart.
if (d < 0)
bd = -bd;
d = -d;
const double arbitraryThreshold = (1.0 - 1e-5);
if (d < arbitraryThreshold)
// Common case: large enough angle between a and b for stable angle from acos and stable complement
const double angle = t * std::acos(d);
quat<double> complement = bd - d * ad;
return quat<T>(std::cos(angle) * ad + std::sin(angle) * complement);
// For small angles, just linearly interpolate.
return quat<T>(ad + t * (bd - ad));
using quath = quat<half>;
using quatf = quat<float>;
using quatd = quat<double>;
// Alphabetical order (same order as pxr::UsdGeomXformCommonAPI::RotationOrder)
enum class EulerRotationOrder
static constexpr size_t s_eulerRotationOrderAxes[6][3] = {
{ 0, 1, 2 }, // XYZ
{ 0, 2, 1 }, // XZY
{ 1, 0, 2 }, // YXZ
{ 1, 2, 0 }, // YZX
{ 2, 0, 1 }, // ZXY
{ 2, 1, 0 } // ZYX
// eulerAngles is in radians. You can use GfDegreesToRadians to convert.
template <typename T>
CUDA_CALLABLE quatd eulerAnglesToQuaternion(const vec3<T>& eulerAngles, EulerRotationOrder order)
// There's almost certainly a more efficient way to do this, but this should work,
// (unless the quaternion order is backward from what's needed, but then
// choosing the reverse rotation order should address that.)
// Quaternions are applied "on both sides", so each contains half the rotation,
// or at least that's a mnemonic to remember to half it.
const vec3d halfAngles = 0.5 * vec3d(eulerAngles);
const double cx = std::cos(halfAngles[0]);
const double sx = std::sin(halfAngles[0]);
const double cy = std::cos(halfAngles[1]);
const double sy = std::sin(halfAngles[1]);
const double cz = std::cos(halfAngles[2]);
const double sz = std::sin(halfAngles[2]);
const quatd qs[3] = { quatd(cx, vec3d(sx, 0, 0)), quatd(cy, vec3d(0, sy, 0)), quatd(cz, vec3d(0, 0, sz)) };
// Apply the quaternions in the specified order
// NOTE: Even though USD matrix transformations are applied to row vectors from left to right,
// quaternions are still applied from right to left, like standard quaternions.
const size_t* const orderAxes = s_eulerRotationOrderAxes[size_t(order)];
const quatd q = qs[orderAxes[2]] * qs[orderAxes[1]] * qs[orderAxes[0]];
return q;
namespace usdrt
using omni::math::linalg::GfDot;
using omni::math::linalg::GfIsClose;
using omni::math::linalg::GfSlerp;
using GfQuatd = omni::math::linalg::quat<double>;
using GfQuatf = omni::math::linalg::quat<float>;
using GfQuath = omni::math::linalg::quat<omni::math::linalg::half>;
template <>
struct GfIsGfQuat<GfQuatd>
static const bool value = true;
template <>
struct GfIsGfQuat<GfQuatf>
static const bool value = true;
template <>
struct GfIsGfQuat<GfQuath>
static const bool value = true;