
namespace core

The namespace for the Connect SDK Core Library.



An interface class provides Live Session lifetime management.


An interface class for the live session message channel.


An interface class that collects the URIs and strings required by a live session.


A templated read-only class to manage all UsdGeomPrimvar data as a single object without risk of detaching (copying) arrays.



Texture color space (encoding) types.


Live session configuration keys.


Enumerates the rotation order of the 3-angle Euler rotation.


std::shared_ptr< carb::scripting::Object > acquirePythonObjectInstance(const std::string &function)

Execute a global python function which returns an instance of an object.

bool addDiffuseTextureToPbrMaterial(pxr::UsdShadeMaterial &material, const pxr::SdfAssetPath &texturePath)

Adds a diffuse texture to the PBR material.

void addLogConsumer(const std::string &name, ClientAppLogCallback callback)

Adds a log consumer.

bool addMetallicTextureToPbrMaterial(pxr::UsdShadeMaterial &material, const pxr::SdfAssetPath &texturePath)

Adds a metallic texture to the PBR material.

bool addNormalTextureToPbrMaterial(pxr::UsdShadeMaterial &material, const pxr::SdfAssetPath &texturePath)

Adds a normal texture to the PBR material.

bool addOpacityTextureToPbrMaterial(pxr::UsdShadeMaterial &material, const pxr::SdfAssetPath &texturePath)

Adds an opacity texture to the PBR material.

bool addOrmTextureToPbrMaterial(pxr::UsdShadeMaterial &material, const pxr::SdfAssetPath &texturePath)

Adds an ORM (occlusion, roughness, metallic) texture to the PBR material.

bool addRoughnessTextureToPbrMaterial(pxr::UsdShadeMaterial &material, const pxr::SdfAssetPath &texturePath)

Adds a roughness texture to the PBR material.

void bindMaterial(pxr::UsdPrim prim, const pxr::UsdShadeMaterial &material)

Binds a UsdShadeMaterial to a UsdPrim.

bool blockDisplayName(pxr::UsdPrim prim)

Block this prim's display name (metadata)

bool canRemovePrim(const pxr::UsdPrim &prim)

Determines if the given UsdPrim can be removed safely.

const char * carbAppPath()

Convenience to retrieve the Carbonite App Path.

bool clearDisplayName(pxr::UsdPrim prim)

Clears this prim's display name (metadata) in the current EditTarget (only)

const char * clientVersion()

Verify the expected Omniverse Client Library version is being loaded at runtime.

std::string computeEffectiveDisplayName(const pxr::UsdPrim &prim)

Calculate the effective display name of this prim.

pxr::UsdShadeShader computeEffectiveMdlSurfaceShader(const pxr::UsdShadeMaterial &material)

Get the effective surface Shader of a Material for the MDL render context.

pxr::UsdShadeShader computeEffectivePreviewSurfaceShader(const pxr::UsdShadeMaterial &material)

Get the effective surface Shader of a Material for the universal render context.

bool configureStage(pxr::UsdStagePtr stage, const std::string &defaultPrimName, const pxr::TfToken &upAxis, const double linearUnits)

Configure a stage so that the defining metadata is explicitly authored.

bool copyPrim(const pxr::UsdPrim &prim, const pxr::SdfPath &destination)

Copy the given UsdPrim to a new location.

void createColorAttr(pxr::UsdLuxLight &prim, const pxr::GfVec3f &value, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Author the color attribute for a prim with UsdLuxLight[API] applied.

void createColorTemperatureAttr(pxr::UsdLuxLight &prim, float value, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Author the color temperature attribute for a prim with UsdLuxLight[API] applied.

void createDistantAngleAttr(pxr::UsdLuxDistantLight &prim, float value, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Author the distant angle attribute for a UsdLuxDistantLight prim.

void createDomeTextureFileAttr(pxr::UsdLuxDomeLight &prim, const pxr::SdfAssetPath &value, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Author the dome texture file attribute for a UsdLuxDomeLight prim.

void createDomeTextureFormatAttr(pxr::UsdLuxDomeLight &prim, const pxr::TfToken &value, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Author the dome texture format attribute for a UsdLuxDomeLight prim.

void createEnableColorTemperatureAttr(pxr::UsdLuxLight &prim, bool value, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Author the "enable color temperature" attribute for a prim with UsdLuxLight[API] applied.

void createIntensityAttr(pxr::UsdLuxLight &prim, float value, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Author the intensity attribute for a prim with UsdLuxLight[API] applied.

void createLightExtentAttr(pxr::UsdPrim prim, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Author the extent attribute for a UsdLuxCylinderLight, UsdLuxDiskLight, UsdLuxRectLight, UsdLuxSphereLight, or UsdLuxPortalLight.

bool createLiveSessionConfigFile(const std::string &uri, const LiveSessionConfigMap &config)

Create a Live Session configuration file.

pxr::UsdShadeMaterial createMaterial(pxr::UsdPrim parent, const std::string &name)

Create a UsdShadeMaterial as a child of the UsdPrim argument.

pxr::UsdShadeShader createMdlShader(pxr::UsdShadeMaterial &material, const std::string &name, const pxr::SdfAssetPath &mdlPath, const pxr::TfToken &module, bool connectMaterialOutputs=true)

Create a UsdShadeShader as a child of the UsdShadeMaterial argument with the specified MDL.

pxr::UsdShadeInput createMdlShaderInput(pxr::UsdShadeMaterial &material, const pxr::TfToken &name, const pxr::VtValue &value, const pxr::SdfValueTypeName &typeName, carb::cpp::optional< const ColorSpace > colorSpace=carb::cpp::nullopt)

Create an MDL shader input.

void createRectHeightAttr(pxr::UsdLuxRectLight &prim, float value, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Author the height attribute for a UsdLuxRectLight prim.

void createRectTextureFileAttr(pxr::UsdLuxRectLight &prim, const pxr::SdfAssetPath &value, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Author the texture file attribute for a UsdLuxRectLight prim.

void createRectWidthAttr(pxr::UsdLuxRectLight &prim, float value, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Author the width attribute for a UsdLuxRectLight prim.

void createShapingConeAngleAttr(pxr::UsdLuxShapingAPI &prim, float value, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Author the cone angle attribute for a prim with UsdLuxShapingAPI applied.

void createShapingConeSoftnessAttr(pxr::UsdLuxShapingAPI &prim, float value, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Author the cone softness attribute for a prim with UsdLuxShapingAPI applied.

void createSphereRadiusAttr(pxr::UsdLuxSphereLight &prim, float value, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Author the sphere radius attribute for a UsdLuxSphereLight prim.

pxr::UsdStageRefPtr createStage(const std::string &identifier, const std::string &defaultPrimName, const pxr::TfToken &upAxis, const double linearUnits, const pxr::SdfLayer::FileFormatArguments &fileFormatArgs=pxr::SdfLayer::FileFormatArguments())

Create and configure a UsdStage

bool createUriCheckpoint(const std::string &uri, const char *comment=nullptr)

Add a commented checkpoint for given uri in Nucleus server if the Nucleus server supports checkpoints.

pxr::UsdGeomCamera defineCamera(pxr::UsdPrim parent, const std::string &name, const pxr::GfCamera &cameraData)

Defines a basic 3d camera on the stage.

pxr::UsdGeomCamera defineCamera(pxr::UsdStagePtr stage, const pxr::SdfPath &path, const pxr::GfCamera &cameraData)

Defines a basic 3d camera on the stage.

pxr::UsdGeomBasisCurves defineCubicBasisCurves(pxr::UsdPrim parent, const std::string &name, const pxr::VtIntArray &curveVertexCounts, const pxr::VtVec3fArray &points, const pxr::TfToken &basis=pxr::UsdGeomTokens->bezier, const pxr::TfToken &wrap=pxr::UsdGeomTokens->nonperiodic, carb::cpp::optional< const FloatPrimvarData > widths=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > normals=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > displayColor=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const FloatPrimvarData > displayOpacity=carb::cpp::nullopt)

Defines a batched Cubic UsdGeomBasisCurves prim on the stage.

pxr::UsdGeomBasisCurves defineCubicBasisCurves(pxr::UsdStagePtr stage, const pxr::SdfPath &path, const pxr::VtIntArray &curveVertexCounts, const pxr::VtVec3fArray &points, const pxr::TfToken &basis=pxr::UsdGeomTokens->bezier, const pxr::TfToken &wrap=pxr::UsdGeomTokens->nonperiodic, carb::cpp::optional< const FloatPrimvarData > widths=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > normals=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > displayColor=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const FloatPrimvarData > displayOpacity=carb::cpp::nullopt)

Defines a batched Cubic UsdGeomBasisCurves prim on the stage.

pxr::UsdLuxDomeLight defineDomeLight(pxr::UsdStagePtr stage, const pxr::SdfPath &path, float intensity=1.0f, const char *texturePath=nullptr, const pxr::TfToken &textureFormat=pxr::UsdLuxTokens->automatic)

Creates a dome light with an optional texture.

pxr::UsdLuxDomeLight defineDomeLight(pxr::UsdPrim parent, const std::string &name, float intensity=1.0f, const char *texturePath=nullptr, const pxr::TfToken &textureFormat=pxr::UsdLuxTokens->automatic)

Creates a dome light with an optional texture.

pxr::UsdGeomBasisCurves defineLinearBasisCurves(pxr::UsdPrim parent, const std::string &name, const pxr::VtIntArray &curveVertexCounts, const pxr::VtVec3fArray &points, const pxr::TfToken &wrap=pxr::UsdGeomTokens->nonperiodic, carb::cpp::optional< const FloatPrimvarData > widths=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > normals=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > displayColor=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const FloatPrimvarData > displayOpacity=carb::cpp::nullopt)

Defines a batched Linear UsdGeomBasisCurves prim on the stage.

pxr::UsdGeomBasisCurves defineLinearBasisCurves(pxr::UsdStagePtr stage, const pxr::SdfPath &path, const pxr::VtIntArray &curveVertexCounts, const pxr::VtVec3fArray &points, const pxr::TfToken &wrap=pxr::UsdGeomTokens->nonperiodic, carb::cpp::optional< const FloatPrimvarData > widths=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > normals=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > displayColor=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const FloatPrimvarData > displayOpacity=carb::cpp::nullopt)

Defines a batched Linear UsdGeomBasisCurves prim on the stage.

pxr::UsdShadeMaterial defineOmniGlassMaterial(pxr::UsdPrim parent, const std::string &name, const pxr::GfVec3f &color, const float indexOfRefraction=1.491f)

Defines an OmniGlass UsdShadeMaterial interface that drives both an RTX render context and a UsdPreviewSurface context.

pxr::UsdShadeMaterial defineOmniGlassMaterial(pxr::UsdStagePtr stage, const pxr::SdfPath &path, const pxr::GfVec3f &color, const float indexOfRefraction=1.491f)

Defines an OmniGlass UsdShadeMaterial interface that drives both an RTX render context and a UsdPreviewSurface context.

pxr::UsdShadeMaterial defineOmniPbrMaterial(pxr::UsdStagePtr stage, const pxr::SdfPath &path, const pxr::GfVec3f &color, const float opacity=1.0f, const float roughness=0.5f, const float metallic=0.0f)

Defines an OmniPBR UsdShadeMaterial interface that drives both an RTX render context and a UsdPreviewSurface context.

pxr::UsdShadeMaterial defineOmniPbrMaterial(pxr::UsdPrim parent, const std::string &name, const pxr::GfVec3f &color, const float opacity=1.0f, const float roughness=0.5f, const float metallic=0.0f)

Defines an OmniPBR UsdShadeMaterial interface that drives both an RTX render context and a UsdPreviewSurface context.

pxr::UsdGeomPoints definePointCloud(pxr::UsdPrim parent, const std::string &name, const pxr::VtVec3fArray &points, carb::cpp::optional< const pxr::VtInt64Array > ids=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const FloatPrimvarData > widths=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > normals=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > displayColor=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const FloatPrimvarData > displayOpacity=carb::cpp::nullopt)

Defines a UsdGeomPoints prim on the stage.

pxr::UsdGeomPoints definePointCloud(pxr::UsdStagePtr stage, const pxr::SdfPath &path, const pxr::VtVec3fArray &points, carb::cpp::optional< const pxr::VtInt64Array > ids=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const FloatPrimvarData > widths=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > normals=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > displayColor=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const FloatPrimvarData > displayOpacity=carb::cpp::nullopt)

Defines a UsdGeomPoints prim on the stage.

pxr::UsdGeomMesh definePolyMesh(pxr::UsdStagePtr stage, const pxr::SdfPath &path, const pxr::VtIntArray &faceVertexCounts, const pxr::VtIntArray &faceVertexIndices, const pxr::VtVec3fArray &points, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > normals=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec2fPrimvarData > uvs=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > displayColor=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const FloatPrimvarData > displayOpacity=carb::cpp::nullopt)

Defines a basic polygon mesh on the stage.

pxr::UsdGeomMesh definePolyMesh(pxr::UsdPrim parent, const std::string &name, const pxr::VtIntArray &faceVertexCounts, const pxr::VtIntArray &faceVertexIndices, const pxr::VtVec3fArray &points, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > normals=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec2fPrimvarData > uvs=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const Vec3fPrimvarData > displayColor=carb::cpp::nullopt, carb::cpp::optional< const FloatPrimvarData > displayOpacity=carb::cpp::nullopt)

Defines a basic polygon mesh on the stage.

pxr::UsdLuxRectLight defineRectLight(pxr::UsdPrim parent, const std::string &name, float width, float height, float intensity=1.0f, const char *texturePath=nullptr)

Creates a rectangular (rect) light with an optional texture.

pxr::UsdLuxRectLight defineRectLight(pxr::UsdStagePtr stage, const pxr::SdfPath &path, float width, float height, float intensity=1.0f, const char *texturePath=nullptr)

Creates a rectangular (rect) light with an optional texture.

pxr::UsdGeomXform defineXform(pxr::UsdStagePtr stage, const pxr::SdfPath &path, carb::cpp::optional< const pxr::GfTransform > transform=carb::cpp::nullopt)

Defines an xform on the stage.

pxr::UsdGeomXform defineXform(pxr::UsdPrim parent, const std::string &name, carb::cpp::optional< const pxr::GfTransform > transform=carb::cpp::nullopt)

Defines an xform on the stage.

bool doesUriExist(const std::string &uri)

Determine if the URI exists and is accessible via the Omniverse Client Library.

void enableStandardOutputStream(bool enabled)

Enables and disables logging to the standard output stream.

bool executePythonCommand(const std::string &command)

Execute a single python command.

int executePythonIntFunction(const std::string &function)

Execute a global python function which returns an int.

int executePythonIntMethod(carb::scripting::Object *instance, const std::string &method)

Given an instance of a python object, execute a method which returns an int.

std::string executePythonStringFunction(const std::string &function)

Execute a global python function which returns a string.

std::string executePythonStringMethod(carb::scripting::Object *instance, const std::string &method)

Given an instance of a python object, execute a method which returns a string.

bool exportLayer(pxr::SdfLayerHandle layer, const std::string &identifier, const char *comment=nullptr, const pxr::SdfLayer::FileFormatArguments &fileFormatArgs=pxr::SdfLayer::FileFormatArguments())

Export the given SdfLayer to an identifier with an optional comment.

std::string getDisplayName(const pxr::UsdPrim &prim)

Return this prim's display name (metadata)

const pxr::TfTokenVector & getDistantLightAttrNames()

Get a list of both current version and forward/reverse compatible UsdLuxDistantLight attribute names.

const pxr::TfTokenVector & getDomeLightAttrNames()

Get a list of both current version and forward/reverse compatible UsdLuxDomeLight attribute names.

const std::shared_ptr< carb::dictionary::Item > getExportOptions()

Get the export option settings.

const pxr::SdfLayer::FileFormatArguments getExportOptionsAsFileFormatArguments()

Get the export option settings as pxr::SdfLayer::FileFormatArguments.

const pxr::VtDictionary getExportOptionsAsVtDict()

Get the export option settings as pxr::VtDictionary.

const std::shared_ptr< carb::dictionary::Item > getImportOptions()

Get the import option settings.

const pxr::SdfLayer::FileFormatArguments getImportOptionsAsFileFormatArguments()

Get the import option settings as pxr::SdfLayer::FileFormatArguments.

const pxr::VtDictionary getImportOptionsAsVtDict()

Get the import option settings as pxr::VtDictionary.

const pxr::TfTokenVector & getLightAPIAttrNames()

Get a list of both current version and forward/reverse compatible UsdLuxLight[API] attribute names.

pxr::UsdAttribute getLightAttr(const pxr::UsdAttribute &defaultAttr, bool preferNewSchema=true)

Get the "correct" light attribute for a light that could have any combination of authored old and new UsdLux schema attributes.

LiveSessionConfigMap getLiveSessionConfig(const std::string &uri)

Get configuration values from an existing Live Session configuration file.

pxr::GfTransform getLocalTransform(const pxr::UsdPrim &prim, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Get the local transform of a prim at a given time.

void getLocalTransformComponents(const pxr::UsdPrim &prim, pxr::GfVec3d &translation, pxr::GfVec3d &pivot, pxr::GfVec3f &rotation, RotationOrder &rotationOrder, pxr::GfVec3f &scale, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Get the local transform of a prim at a given time in the form of common transform components.

pxr::GfMatrix4d getLocalTransformMatrix(const pxr::UsdPrim &prim, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Get the local transform of a prim at a given time in the form of a 4x4 matrix.

const pxr::TfTokenVector & getRectLightAttrNames()

Get a list of both current version and forward/reverse compatible UsdLuxRectLight attribute names.

const pxr::TfTokenVector & getShapingAPIAttrNames()

Get a list of both current version and forward/reverse compatible UsdLuxShapingAPI attribute names.

const pxr::TfTokenVector & getSphereLightAttrNames()

Get a list of both current version and forward/reverse compatible UsdLuxSphereLight attribute names.

std::string getUser(const std::string &uri)

Determine the current username on a given Omniverse server.

pxr::TfTokenVector getValidChildNames(const pxr::UsdPrim &prim, const std::vector< std::string > &names)

Take a prim and a vector of the preferred names. Return a matching vector of valid and unique names as the child names of the given prim.

std::string getValidPrimName(const std::string &name)

Produce a valid prim name from the input name.

pxr::TfTokenVector getValidPrimNames(const std::vector< std::string > &names, const pxr::TfTokenVector &reservedNames={})

Take a vector of the preferred names and return a matching vector of valid and unique names.

std::string getValidPropertyName(const std::string &name)

Produce a valid property name using the Bootstring algorithm.

pxr::TfTokenVector getValidPropertyNames(const std::vector< std::string > &names, const pxr::TfTokenVector &reservedNames={})

Take a vector of the preferred names and return a matching vector of valid and unique names.

bool hasLayerAuthoringMetadata(pxr::SdfLayerHandle layer)

Check if the SdfLayer has metadata indicating the provenance of the data.

bool initialized()

Determine if initialization was successful.

bool isLight(const pxr::UsdPrim &prim)

Determines if a UsdPrim is a UsdLuxLight[API].

bool isLiveSessionVersionCompatible(const std::string &uri)

Check that the session config version is compatible.

bool isLocalUri(const std::string &uri)

Determine the URI refers to a local file rather than on an Omniverse server.

bool isOmniUri(const std::string &uri)

Determine the URI points to an Omniverse server.

bool isUriWritable(const std::string &uri)

Determine if the user has write access to the file or directory identified by the URI.

pxr::GfVec3f linearToSrgb(const pxr::GfVec3f &color)

Translate a linear color value to sRGB color space.

bool loadCarbPlugin(const std::string &name, const std::vector< std::string > &extraSearchPaths={})

Load a single Carbonite plugin.

bool loadSettings()

Initialize the Connect SDK & the client Connector Settings.

bool loadSettingsFromFile(const std::string &file)

Load additional settings from the provided toml file and perform token resolution.

const char * logChannel()

Get the main log channel name for the Connect SDK.

bool registerOmniUsdResolverPlugin()

Register the Omniverse USD Resolver plugin from the configured directory path.

void removeLogConsumer(const std::string &name)

Removes a log consumer.

bool removeOrDeactivatePrim(pxr::UsdPrim prim)

Removes the given UsdPrim if it can be removed safely, otherwise deactivates it.

bool renamePrim(pxr::UsdPrim prim, const pxr::TfToken &name)

Rename the given UsdPrim if it can be renamed safely.

pxr::GfVec3f sRgbToLinear(const pxr::GfVec3f &color)

Translate an sRGB color value to linear color space.

bool saveExportPreferences()

Save the current Export Preferences to the persistent user config file.

bool saveImportPreferences()

Save the current Import Preferences to the persistent user config file.

void saveLayer(pxr::SdfLayerHandle layer, const char *comment=nullptr)

Save the given SdfLayer with an optional comment.

void saveStage(pxr::UsdStagePtr stage, const char *comment=nullptr)

Save the given UsdStage with an optional checkpoint comment.

bool setDisplayName(pxr::UsdPrim prim, const std::string &name)

Sets this prim's display name (metadata).

void setExportOptions(carb::dictionary::Item *options)

Set the export options to the supplied values.

void setExportOptionsFromFileFormatArguments(const pxr::SdfLayer::FileFormatArguments &args)

Set the export options to the supplied pxr::SdfLayer::FileFormatArguments values.

void setExportOptionsFromVtDict(const pxr::VtDictionary &optionsDict)

Set the export options to the supplied pxr::VtDictionary values.

void setImportOptions(carb::dictionary::Item *options)

Set the import options to the supplied values.

void setImportOptionsFromFileFormatArguments(const pxr::SdfLayer::FileFormatArguments &args)

Set the import options to the supplied pxr::SdfLayer::FileFormatArguments values.

void setImportOptionsFromVtDict(const pxr::VtDictionary &optionsDict)

Set the import options to the supplied pxr::VtDictionary values.

void setLayerAuthoringMetadata(pxr::SdfLayerHandle layer)

Set metadata on the SdfLayer indicating the provenance of the data.

bool setLiveSessionConfigValues(const std::string &uri, const LiveSessionConfigMap &config)

Set configuration values in an existing Live Session configuration file.

bool setLocalTransform(pxr::UsdPrim prim, const pxr::GfVec3d &translation, const pxr::GfVec3d &pivot, const pxr::GfVec3f &rotation, const RotationOrder rotationOrder, const pxr::GfVec3f &scale, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Set the local transform of a prim from common transform components.

bool setLocalTransform(pxr::UsdPrim prim, const pxr::GfMatrix4d &matrix, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Set the local transform of a prim from a 4x4 matrix.

bool setLocalTransform(pxr::UsdPrim prim, const pxr::GfTransform &transform, pxr::UsdTimeCode time=pxr::UsdTimeCode::Default())

Set the local transform of a prim.

bool startup()

Perform some one-time initialization.

void startupLog()

Initialize the Omniverse logging system. This enables the logging system and forwards Omniverse Client Library messages to the Connect SDK channel.

bool startupPython()

Load Carbonite's scripting-python plugin and initialize the python interpreter.

const char * version()

Verify the expected Omniverse Connect SDK is being loaded at runtime.

bool withNucleus()

Verify whether Nucleus support is available via the Omniverse Client Library.



Callback for message consumers.


An alias for PrimvarData that holds VtFloatArray values (e.g widths or scale factors).


An alias for PrimvarData that holds VtInt64Array values (e.g ids that might be very large).


An alias for PrimvarData that holds VtIntArray values (e.g simple switch values or booleans consumable by shaders).


An alias template declaration for the session configuration key-value pair map.


An alias for PrimvarData that holds VtStringArray values (e.g human readable descriptors).


An alias for PrimvarData that holds VtTokenArray values (e.g more efficient human readable descriptors).


An alias for PrimvarData that holds VtVec2fArray values (e.g texture coordinates).


An alias for PrimvarData that holds VtVec3fArray values (e.g normals, colors, or other vectors).


constexpr const char * kAppNameSetting

The name of the connected application. This should be the actual application name rather than the connector name.

constexpr const char * kAppNameToken

The name of the connected application (controlled via kAppNameSetting)

constexpr const char * kAppVersionSetting

The version of the connected application. This should be the actual application version rather than the connector version. It may be parsed for conditional logic, so must be a semver-like value (eg 19.5.0, 2023.1, etc).

constexpr const char * kAppVersionToken

The version of the connected application (controlled via kAppVersionSetting)

constexpr const char * kBuildConfigToken

The build configuration of this library. The resolved value is either "release" or "debug".

constexpr const char * kCacheFolderToken

A per user, per-client connector system folder to be used for caching, which could be cleaned up at any time. An application should be able to rebuild the cache if it is missing.

constexpr const char * kClientNameSetting

The name of the client connector. This will be used throughout Connect SDK to separate client specific data from one another (e.g. log folders, downloaded content, etc).

constexpr const char * kClientNameToken

The name of the client connector (controlled via kClientNameSetting)

constexpr const char * kClientVersionSetting

The version of the client connector. This should be the connector version rather than the actual application version. It may be parsed for conditional logic, so must be a semver-like value (eg 19.5.0, 2023.1, etc).

constexpr const char * kClientVersionToken

The version of the client connector (controlled via kClientVersionSetting)

constexpr const char * kConnectSdkVersionFullToken

The full build string version of the omni_connect_core library.

constexpr const char * kConnectSdkVersionToken

constexpr const char * kCoreSettings

The namespace used for omni_connect_core specific settings.

constexpr const char * kDataFolderToken

A per-user, per-client connector system folder to store persistent data. This system folder is different for every OS user. The data folder is where an application can write anything that must reliably persist between sessions.

constexpr const char * kExportOptionsSetting

Export Option settings path prefix for File Exporter Dialog.

constexpr const char * kImportOptionsSetting

Import Option settings path prefix for File Importer Dialog.

constexpr const char * kLiveSessionConfigVersion

The current version for the live session configuration file processing.

constexpr const char * kLiveSessionLinkKey

The uri query param used by Live Session Links ex: omniverse://helloworld.usd?live_session_name=Default.

constexpr const char * kLogConsumerLevelSettingParentPath

The parent path for setting the verbosity of the logs forwarded to registered log consumers. The developer can set log levels for individual log consumers by name in their omni.connect.client.toml file under the group ["omni.connect.core".log.consumerLevel].

constexpr const char * kLogFolderToken

A per user, per-client connector system folder to be used for logging.

constexpr const char * kOmniClientLibVersionFullToken

The full Omniverse Client Library version.

constexpr const char * kPluginPathsSetting

A list of additional relative filesystem paths to search for carb plugins when loading via omni::connect::core::loadCarbPlugin . Note that the core plugins must be located at $CARB_APP_PATH/plugins as this setting cannot be read until after the core plugins have loaded.

constexpr const char * kPythonPathsSetting

A list of additional relative filesystem paths to extend Python's sys.path at runtime.

constexpr const char * kStartTimeToken

The timestamp indicating when omni::connect::core::startup() was first called. Note this timestamp will not be reset if loadSettings() is called multiple times.

constexpr const char * kUsdResolverPathSetting

The path of Omniverse USD Resolver plugin. The path is a local filesystem directory containing a plugInfo.json file. It can be specified relative to $CARB_APP_PATH or as an absolute filesystem path.

constexpr const char * kUsdVersionToken

The USD version.