
Defined in omni/connect/core/Core.h

bool omni::connect::core::loadCarbPlugin(const std::string &name, const std::vector<std::string> &extraSearchPaths = {})

Load a single Carbonite plugin.

This can be used to simplify the process of loading a Carbonite plugin, as it configures the full path internally.

  • name – The name of the plugin, without any OS specific prefix/suffix (e.g. “carb.settings.plugin”)

  • extraSearchPaths – Optionally specify a vector of additional search paths, such as those specified via /app/plugins/extraPaths Note that the default location $CARB_APP_PATH/plugins will always be searched first, and the core plugins must be located at this location, as the settings cannot be read until after the core plugins have loaded.


Success or failure. Note that any status less than carb::LoadPluginResult::eFailed will return false, and attempts to use the Carbonite interfaces defined in that plugin will fail (possibly returning nullptr).