
Defined in omni/connect/core/Core.h

bool omni::connect::core::registerOmniUsdResolverPlugin()

Register the Omniverse USD Resolver plugin from the configured directory path.

Note: Nucleus is a compile-time optional feature which the Omniverse USD Resolver requires. This function is only available if Nucleus was enabled at compile time.

The setting /omni.connect.core/usd/resolverPath will be used to locate the resolver plugin. This setting must be configured to point to a local filesystem directory containing a plugInfo.json file. It can be specified relative to $CARB_APP_PATH or as an absolute filesystem path.

If /omni.connect.core/usd/resolverPath is not set, the client connector must load the Omniverse USD Resolver Plugin another way (eg using the $PXR_PLUGINPATH_NAME environment variable). This function can then be used to determine if the Omniverse USD Resolver Plugin was loaded successfully, but will not attempt to load it.

Note that all USD plugins in plugInfo.json in the directory the will be registered when calling this function, not just the Omniverse USD Resolver plugin.

Note that while this function can be called outside of startup(), doing so strictly requires that startup() be called first.


A bool indicating if the Omniverse USD Resolver plugin has been registered.