ROS1 RTX Lidar Helper
Handles automation of Lidar Sensor pipeline
To use this Node, you must enable omni.isaac.ros_bridge
in the Extension Manager.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Default |
execIn |
Triggering this causes the sesnor pipeline to be generated |
context |
ROS context handle, default of zero will use the global context |
0 |
nodeNamespace |
Namespace of ROS1 Node, prepends and published/subscribed topic by the node namespace |
frameId |
FrameID for the ROS1 message |
sim_lidar |
topicName |
Topic name for sensor data |
scan |
queueSize |
Number of message to queue up before throwing away, in case messages are collected faster than they can be sent |
10 |
renderProductPath |
Name of the render product path to publish lidar data |
type |
Data to publsih from node |
laser_scan |