Classes Summary:
Audio manager. See :class:`` for wrapped python interfaces that manage audio play/capture. |
EngineCreationConfig structure. |
Specifies the flags for the hydra engine creation. |
Members: |
Internal. Utility class that monitors changes from specific prim type. |
omni.usd.Selection manages all stage selections and provides APIs for querying/setting selections. |
Stage Event Type. Stage events are sent through event stream of the UsdContext. |
Rendering Events. |
Stage states. The current stage state of the UsdContext. |
Internal. Helper to handle transform attributes. |
UsdContext is the container for a :cpp:class:`PXR_NS::UsdStage` that manages the lifecycle of a UsdStage instance. |
Specifies the initial set of prims to load when opening a UsdStage. |
Internal. Utility class to wrap UsdNotice handling. |
Enum for the strength type of an attribute value. |
Functions Summary:
Internal. If attribute has authored value to the specific time code. |
Internal. If the prim can be copied. A prim can be copied means the prim is authored to the local layer stack directly. |
Internal. If a prim can have children authored. |
Check if prim is brought into composition by its ancestor. |
Clears attribute at specified timecode. |
Internal. Copy timesamples of the attribute from weak layer to the current edit target. |
Internal. |
Creates a material input. |
Duplicate prim. |
Internal. Finds specific spec recursively from node’s layer stack. |
Finds spec in the session layer or its sublayers. |
Internal. Gets default attributes for specific prim type. |
Gets all sublayers from local layer stack of the stage ranking from strongest to weakest. |
Internal. Gets the strength type and layer for the default value of the attribute. |
Internal. Gets the strength type and layer for the timesamples of the attribute. |
Internal. Gets the strength type and layer for the default value or timesamples of the attribute. |
Internal. |
Gets composed payload list from prim. |
Gets composed reference list from prim. |
Gets corresponding UsdContext of the stage if it’s found. |
Gets all dirty layers that have unsaved changes. |
Gets the layer identifier of current edit target. |
Internal. Utility to convert time code into frame time. |
Internal. Utility to convert fps into time code. |
Gets a list of pre-defined geometry types. |
Gets the introducing layer. |
Gets a list of pre-defined light types. |
Internal. Return a tuple of [scale, rotation, rotation_order, translate] for given prim. |
Gets local transform matrix of specific time code from prim. |
Internal. Gets prim at specific path. |
Internal. Returns all descendants for a given prim. |
Internal. Gets property at specific path. |
Get property auto retarget layer. |
Internal. Gets the introducing layer of the prim. |
Gets a new prim path that doesn’t exist in the stage given a base path. |
Deprecated. Use {py:func}`omni.kit.material.library.get_subidentifier_from_material` instead. |
Deprecated. Use {py:func}`omni.kit.material.library.get_subidentifier_from_mdl` instead. |
Internal. Gets the count of timesamples of the attribute in the current edit target. |
Returns url of Prim when authored reference or None. |
Gets work transform matrix of specific time code from prim. |
Decorator to print exception in async functions. |
Internal. If any parent prims of the prim are specific type. |
Internal. If prim has specific type of children. |
Internal. If prim or its parent has metadata “hide_in_stage_window” authored. |
Checkes if layer is locked or not in this usd context. |
Checks if layer is writable on file system. |
Internal. If the path points to a valid USD object in the default UsdContext. |
Internal. If material can be bound to the prim. |
Whether the given file path is a supported readable USD file or not. |
Whether the given file path is a supported writable USD file or not. |
Make path relative to the current edit target of the stage. |
Internal callback. |
Internal callback. |
Gets a list of file extensions about readable USD formats. |
Gets a list of file extensions (without dots) about readable USD formats. |
Gets a string that includes all readable USD file formats supported by Kit. |
Gets a description of all readable USD file formats. |
Gets the regex that matches readable USD files. |
Removes specified property from the prim. |
Deprecated. See :func:`.set_prop_val` instead. |
Sets the edit target of stage by layer identifier. |
Sets the value of property. |
Sitches prim specs specified by path scattered in all sublayers and all its children to target layer. |
Gets a list of file extensions about writable USD formats. |
Gets a list of file extensions (without dots) about writable USD formats. |
Gets a string that includes all writable USD file formats supported by Kit. |
Gets a description of all writable USD file formats. |
Gets the regex that matches writable USD files. |
add_hydra_engine(name: str, context: omni.usd._usd.UsdContext) -> omni.usd._usd.OpaqueSharedHydraEngineContext |
attach_all_hydra_engines(context: omni.usd._usd.UsdContext) -> None |
create_context(name: str = ‘’) -> omni.usd._usd.UsdContext |
destroy_context(name: str = ‘’) -> bool |
get_context(name: str = ‘’) -> omni.usd._usd.UsdContext |
get_context_from_stage_id(stage_id: int) -> omni.usd._usd.UsdContext |
get_or_create_hydra_engine(arg0: str, arg1: omni.usd._usd.UsdContext, arg2: omni.usd._usd.EngineCreationConfig) -> omni.usd._usd.OpaqueSharedHydraEngineContext |
merge_layers(dst_layer_identifier: str, src_layer_identifier: str, dst_is_stronger_than_src: bool = True, src_layer_offset: float = 0.0, src_layer_scale: float = 1.0) -> bool |
merge_prim_spec(dst_layer_identifier: str, src_layer_identifier: str, prim_spec_path: str, dst_is_stronger_than_src: bool = True, target_prim_path: str = ‘’) -> None |
release_all_hydra_engines(context: omni.usd._usd.UsdContext = None) -> None |
release_hydra_engine(arg0: omni.usd._usd.UsdContext, arg1: omni.usd._usd.OpaqueSharedHydraEngineContext) -> bool |
resolve_paths(src_layer_identifier: str, dst_layer_identifier: str, store_relative_path: bool = True, relative_to_src_layer: bool = False, copy_sublayer_offsets: bool = False) -> None |
resolve_prim_path_references(layer: str, old_prim_path: str, new_prim_path: str) -> None |
resolve_prim_paths_references(layer: str, old_prim_paths: List[str], new_prim_paths: List[str]) -> None |
shutdown_usd() -> None |