omni.usd.commands Classes#
Classes Summary:
Add a payload to primitive. |
Add reference to primitive. |
Add target to a relationship. |
Bind material to a primitive. |
Change attribute color space. |
Modify metadata of multiple objects. |
Deprecated. Modifies metadata of multiple primitives. |
Change property value. |
Clear Curves Splits Overrides. |
Clear Refinement Overrides. |
Copy a primitive to a new path. |
Copy multiple primitives to new paths. |
Create a new Audio primitive from asset path. |
Create default xformOp on prim. |
Instance a primitive. |
Instance multiple primitives. |
Create a MDL Material. |
Create a MaterialX material. |
Create a new prim with payload. |
Create a USD Preview Surface Material. |
Create a USD Preview Surface Texture Material. |
Create a primitive to stage. It is the same as :class:`.CreatePrimWithDefaultXformCommand` and kept for backward compatibility. |
Base class to create a prim (and remove when undo). |
Create a primitive to stage. |
Create multiple primitives. |
Create a new prim with reference. |
Load the shader specified by ‘identifier’ from the SDR registry and create a shader prim under |
Creates a USD Attribute for a primitive. |
Creates a USD Attribute with attribute path. |
Delete primitives from stage. |
Transform camera to encompass the bounds of a list of paths. |
Group primitives to the same parent. |
Moves a primitive to a new path. |
Move a list of primitives to new locations. |
Moves prims into children of “parent” primitives. |
Base class for payload related commands. |
Base class for reference related commands. |
Base class of relationship related commands. |
Remove specified payload from primitive. |
Remove property. |
Remove specified reference from primitive. |
Remove target from a relationship. |
Rename a primitive undoable **Command**. |
Replace the specified reference with a new one. |
Replace the specified reference with a new one. |
Deprecated. Clears/Adds references. |
Select primitives. |
Set material binding strength. |
Set the loaded/unloaded payloads of the selected primitives. |
Set target(s) to a relationship. |
Toggle the active state of prims. |
Toggles the loaded/unloaded payloads of the selected primitives. |
Toggles the visiblity of the selected primitives. |
Set primitive’s local transform. |
Set primitive’s local transform with scale, rotation and transform values. |
Set local transforms for multiple primitives. |
Set local transforms of multiple primitives with scale, rotation and transform values. |
Ungroup primitives from the parent. |
Unhide all primitives in the default UsdContext. |
Moves prims into root “/” primitive. |
Keeps the stage ID or returns the stage from the current context |