Execution Framework Overview

The Omniverse ecosystem enjoys a bevy of software components (e.g. PhysX, RTX, USD, OmniGraph, etc). These software components can be assembled together to form domain specific applications and services. One of the powerful concepts of the Omniverse ecosystem is that the assembly of these components is not limited to compile time. Rather, users are able to assemble these components on-the-fly to create tailor-made tools, services, and experiences.

With this great power comes challenges. In particular, many of these software components are siloed and monolithic. Left on their own, they can starve other components from hardware resources, and introduce non-deterministic behavior into the system. Often the only way to integrate these components together was with a model “don’t call me, I’ll call you”.

For such a dynamic environment to be viable, an intermediary must be present to guide these different components in a composable way. The Execution Framework is this intermediary.

The Omniverse Execution Framework’s job is to orchestrate, at runtime, computation across different software components and logical application stages by decoupling the description of the compute from execution.

Architecture Pillars

The Execution Framework (i.e. EF) has three main architecture pillars.


Figure 4 Decoupled architecture

The first pillar is decoupling the authoring format from the computation back end. Multiple authoring front ends are able to populate EF’s intermediate representation (IR). EF calls this intermediate representation the execution graph. Once populated by the front end, the execution graph is transformed and refined, taking into account the available hardware resources. By decoupling the authoring front end from the computation back end, developers are able to assemble software components without worrying about multiple hardware configurations. Furthermore, the decoupling allows EF to optimize the computation for the current execution environment (e.g. HyperScale).


Figure 5 Extendable architecture

The second pillar is extensibility. Extensibility allows developers to augment and extend EF’s capabilities without changes to the core library. Graph transformations, traversals, execution behavior, computation logic, and scheduling are examples of EF features that can be extended by developers.


Figure 6 Composable architecture

The third pillar of EF is composability. Composability is the principle of constructing novel building blocks out of existing smaller building blocks. Once constructed, these novel building blocks can be used to build yet other larger building blocks. In EF, these building blocks are nodes (i.e. Node).

Nodes stores two important pieces of information. The first piece they store is connectivity information to other nodes (i.e. topology edges). Second, they stores the computation definition. Computation definitions in EF are defined by the NodeDef and NodeGraphDef classes. NodeDef defines opaque computation while NodeGraphDef contains an entirely new graph. It is via NodeGraphDef that EF derives its composibility power.

The big picture of what EF is trying to do is simple: take all of the software components that wish to run, generate nodes/graphs for the computation each component wants to perform, add edges between the different software components’ nodes/graphs to define execution order, and then optimize the graph for the current execution environment. Once the execution graph is constructed, an executor traverses the graph (in parallel when possible) making sure each software component gets its chance to compute.

Practical Examples

Let’s take a look at how Omniverse USD Composer, built with Omniverse Kit, handles the the update of the USD stage.

Kit maintains a list of extensions (i.e. software components) that either the developer or user has requested to be loaded. These extensions register callbacks into Kit to be executed at fixed points in Kit’s update loop. Using an empty scene, and USD Composer’s default extensions, the populated execution graph looks like this:

EXECUTION GRAPH | kit.def.execution(8412328473570437098) kit.legacyPipeline(2) | kit.def.legacyPipeline(14601541822497998125) OmniGraph(24) | OmniGraphDef(13532122613264624703) kit.customPipeline og.pre_simulation(1) | og.def.pre_simulation(18371527843990822053) og.simulation(2) | og.def.simulation(2058752528039269071) og.post_simulation(3) | og.def.post_simulation(12859070463537551084) CurveManipulator OmniSkel SkeletonsCombo omni.anim.retarget.<class 'omni.anim.retarget.ui.scripts.retarget_window.RetargetWindow'> SingletonCurveEditor CurveCreator AnimationGraph Stage Recorder SequencePlayer PhysXCameraPrePhysics PhysXSupportUI PhysxInspector Before Update Physics PhysXVehiclePrePhysics PhysxInspector After Update Physics UsdPhysicsUI PhysXUI PhysXCameraPostPhysics PhysxInspector Debug visualization SkelAnimationAnnotation PhysXVehiclePostPhysics PhysX SceneVisualization PhysXFabric DebugDraw WarpKernelAttach FlowUsd PhysXStageUpdateLast

USD Composer's execution graph used to update the USD stage.

Notice in the picture above that each node in the graph is represented as an opaque node, except for the OmniGraph (OG) front-end. The OmniGraph node further refines the compute definition by expressing its update pipeline with pre-simulation, simulation, and post-simulation nodes. This would not be possible without EF’s composable architecture.

Below, we illustrate an example of a graph authored in OG that runs during the simulation stage of the OG pipeline. This example runs as part of Omniverse Kit, with a limited number of extensions loaded to increase the readability of the graph and to illustrate the dynamic aspect of the execution graph population.

EXECUTION GRAPH | kit.def.execution(8412328473570437098) /World/ActionGraph(1) | og.def.graph_execution(1354986524710330633) kit.legacyPipeline(2) | kit.def.legacyPipeline(14601541822497998125) OmniGraph(2) | OmniGraphDef(13532122613264624703) kit.customPipeline og.pre_simulation(1) | og.def.pre_simulation(18371527843990822053) og.simulation(2) | og.def.simulation(2058752528039269071) og.post_simulation(3) | og.def.post_simulation(12859070463537551084) omni_graph_nodes_constantdouble3 CubeReadAttrib_02 on_playback_tick make_transformation_matrix_from_trs_01 matrix_multiply get_translation box0WriteAttrib_01 make_transformation_matrix_from_trs SkelAnimationAnnotation DebugDraw

An example of the OmniGraph definition

Generating more fine-grained execution definitions allows OG to scale performance with available CPU resources. Leveraging extensibility allows implementation of executors for different graph types outside of the core OG library. This joined with composability creates a foundation for executing compound graphs.

The final example in this overview focuses on execution pipelines in Omniverse Kit. Leveraging all of the architecture pillars, we can start customizing per application (and/or per scene) execution pipelines. There is no longer a need to base execution ordering only on a fixed number or keep runtime components siloed. In the picture below, as a proof-of-concept, we define at runtime a new custom execution pipeline. This new pipeline runs before the “legacy” one ordered by a magic number and introduces fixed and variable update times. Extending the ability of OG to choose the pipeline stage in which it runs, we are able to place it anywhere in this new custom pipeline. Any other runtime component can do the same thing and leverage the EF architecture to orchestrate executions in their application.

EXECUTION GRAPH | kit.def.execution(8412328473570437098) kit.customPipeline(1) | kit.def.customPipeline(11456494993342057265) custom.variableUpdate(5) | custom.def.variableUpdate(2153163759571922838) kit.legacyPipeline(2) | kit.def.legacyPipeline(14601541822497998125) /World/ActionGraph(1) | og.def.graph_execution(1354986524710330633) OmniGraph(3) | OmniGraphDef(13532122613264624703) custom.fixedUpdate(3) | custom.def.fixedUpdate(11056681250866395526) og.pre_simulation(1) | og.def.pre_simulation(18371527843990822053) custom.fixedUpdate.preSim(1) | custom.def.fixedUpdate.preSim(769897964257801888) og.simulation(2) | og.def.simulation(2058752528039269071) custom.fixedUpdate.sim(2) | custom.def.fixedUpdate.sim(14054072254509257375) og.post_simulation(3) | og.def.post_simulation(12859070463537551084) custom.fixedUpdate.postSim(3) | custom.def.fixedUpdate.postSim(13422403381766763577) custom.syncAsync custom.async custom.syncMain omni_graph_nodes_constantdouble3 CubeReadAttrib_02 on_playback_tick og.customPipelineToUsd make_transformation_matrix_from_trs_01 PhysX matrix_multiply SkelAnimationAnnotation get_translation box0WriteAttrib_01 make_transformation_matrix_from_trs PhysXFabric DebugDraw PhysXStageUpdateLast

The customizable execution pipeline in Kit - POC

Next Steps

Above we provided a brief overview of EF’s philosophy and capabilities. Readers are encouraged to continue learning about EF by first reviewing Graph Concepts.