Graph Traversal In-Depth#
This is an advanced Execution Framework topic. It is recommended you first review the Execution Framework Overview along with basic topics such as Graphs Concepts, Pass Concepts, and Execution Concepts.
As was mentioned in the Graph Traversal Guide, graph traversal is an essential component of EF. It brings dynamism to an otherwise-static representation of a runtime environment, allowing for fine-tuned decision-making when it comes to how the IR is constructed, populated, transformed, and eventually evaluated. Although traversals can occur at any point in time, typically (and perhaps most importantly) they are employed during graph construction (see Pass Concepts) and execution (see Execution Concepts).
In order to form a practical and functional understanding of how graph traversal works, especially in regards to its applications in EF, this document will build upon the example traversals highlighted in the Graph Traversal Guide by introducing various key definitions and methodologies underpinning the subject as a whole and tying the learnings together to explore their most significant utilizations in EF.
For the purposes of this discussion, we will only deal with connected, cyclic, directed, simple graphs permitting loops – since those are the IR’s characteristics – and whenever the term graph is used generally one can assume that the aforementioned qualifiers apply, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Core Search Algorithms#
Although there exist myriad different approaches to graph traversal, this section will focus on the so-called depth-first search (DFS) and breadth-first search (BFS) techniques, which tend to be the most popular thanks to their versatility and relative simplicity.
As can be seen in Getting Started with Writing Graph Traversals and Serial vs. Parallel Graph Traversal, EF fully implements and exposes these algorithms on the API level to external developers so that the root logic doesn’t have to be rewritten on a per-user basis. These methods also come wrapped with other important functionality related to visit strategies that will be explained later; for this reason, we relegate highlighting the API methods themselves for a later section, after Visitation Strategies are covered. For the time being, we’ll instead delve into a more conceptual, non-EF-specific overview of these algorithms.
To facilitate this higher-level conversation, here we introduce the following connected, directed, acyclic graph \(G_2\):
The individual edge members are ordered from tail to head, e.g. \(\{a, b\}\) is directed from the upstream node \(a\) to the downstream node \(b\).
For clarity’s sake, edges are ordered based on the node letterings’ place in the alphabet (similar to \(G_1\)), e.g. \(\{a, b\}\) and \(\{a, c\}\) are the first and second edges protruding off of node \(a\). This in turn implies that nodes \(b\) and \(c\) are the first and second children of \(a\), respectively. These orders are also numbered explicitly on the figure itself.
Depth-First Search (DFS)#
Starting at a given node, DFS will recursively visit all of the node’s children. This effectively leads to DFS exploring as far as possible downstream along a connected branch, marking nodes along the way as having been visited, until it hits a dead end (usually defined as either reaching a node with no children or a node that has already been visited), before backtracking to a previous node that still has open avenues for exploration. The search continues until all nodes in the graph have been visited.
As an example, suppose that we were to start a DFS at node \(a \in G_2\) and chose to enter nodes along the first available edge (an important distinction to make, which is more fully addressed in Visitation Strategies). For simplicity’s sake, let us further assume that we perform the search in a serial fashion. Play through the following interactive animation to see what the resultant traversal and ordered set of visited nodes/edges (which, when combined, form a depth-first search tree, highlighted in blue at the end) would look like:
Spread throughout this document are a series of interactive animations that show different traversals over various graphs in a step-by-step fashion. Some key points to consider:
To move forward one step, press the
button. To move back one step, press the<
button.To fast-forward to the final, fully-traversed graph, press the
button. To go back to the start, press the<<
button.The nodes/edges that have not been visited are colored in black.
The nodes/edges that are currently being attempted to be visited are colored in yellow.
The nodes/edges that have been successfully visited are colored in blue.
The nodes that fail to be visited along a specific edge will glow red momentarily before returning to their initial color, while the corresponding edge will remain red (highlighting that we were not able to enter said node along that now-red edge).
Make sure to read Print all Node Names, Print all Node Traversal Paths Recursively, Print all Node Names Recursively in Topological Order, Using Custom NodeUserData, and Store and Print all Node Names Concurrently for traversal samples that utilize DFS.
Breadth-First Search (BFS)#
Starting at a given node, BFS will first visit all children of the current node before exploring any other nodes that lie further downstream. Like DFS, this process will continue until all nodes in the graph have been discovered.
As an example, suppose that we were to start a BFS at node \(a \in G_2\) and chose to enter nodes along the first available edge (similar to the DFS example above). As in the previous example, we’ll be assuming a serial traversal. The resultant exploration and ordered set of visited nodes/edges (which, when combined, form a breadth-first search tree, highlighted in blue at the end) would look like this:
Make sure to read Print all Edges Recursively for traversal samples that utilize BFS.
Visitation Strategies#
Thus far many of our examples have asserted that we’d enter nodes on the first available edge, i.e. we would
always visit a node via the first connected edge that we happened to traverse over, regardless of whether or not the
node in question also has other entrance avenues. This doesn’t always have to be the case, however, and some
situations will force us to utilize different sets of criteria when determining when a node should be entered during
exploration (see Print all Node Names Recursively in Topological Order for a concrete example). The relevant decision-making logic is
encoded in so-called visitation strategies, which are policies passed down to traversal algorithms that inform the
latter of specific conditions that must be met prior to entering a node. Although developers are free to write their
own visit strategies, the three most commonly-used ones – VisitFirst
, VisitLast
, and VisitAll
– have already
been implemented and made available through the API.
Note that the visit strategies presented below are templated to utilize a transient set of per-node-specific data
that, among other information, tracks the number of node visits via a visitCount
variable. This data
structure is only meant to exist for the duration of the graph traversal.
The VisitFirst
strategy allows for a given node to be entered the first time that it is discovered, i.e. along
the first available edge. This is the formal name given to the strategy employed in the DFS and BFS examples in
the Next Steps section.
The implementation looks like this:
//! Traversal strategy that enters the node when it was first time discovered
struct VisitFirst
//! Call to traverse the graph with a strategy to visit only when first time discovered
template <typename Node, typename NodeData>
static VisitOrder tryVisit(Node* node, NodeData& nodeData)
auto lastVisit = nodeData.visitCount++; // read+increment only once. other threads can be doing the same.
return (lastVisit == 0) ? VisitOrder::eFirst : VisitOrder::eUnknown;
Here’s an animated example of a serial DFS through graph \(G_1\) that employs the VisitFirst
Make sure to read Print all Node Names, Print all Node Traversal Paths Recursively, and
Store and Print all Node Names Concurrently for traversal samples that utilize the VisitFirst
The VisitLast
strategy allows for a given node to be entered only when the entirety of its upstream/parent
nodes have already been visited, thereby implying that this is the last opportunity to enter the node. We sometimes
refer to the ordering of node visits produced by using VisitLast
as being the topographical traversal order (as
was seen in Getting Started with Writing Graph Traversals, for example).
To justify the need and merit of this strategy, suppose we had the following IR graph \(G_3\):
Figure 26 Example IR graph \(G_3\) which contains a fan in/out flow pattern. Assume that \(\{r,a\}\) and \(\{r,b\}\) are root node \(r\)’s first and second edges, respectively.#
As has been discussed in previous articles, connections between \(c\) and the parents represent upstream execution dependencies for \(c\), i.e. in order to successfully compute \(c\), we first need the results of \(a\)’s and \(b\)’s executions. Now, suppose that we tried traversing this graph in a serial, DFS manner using the same policy of entering any node on the first available edge, and immediately executing each node that we visit. Based on what has already been presented, the traversal path (and subsequently the order of node executions) would look like this (assuming we begin from \(r\)):
This is problematic because \(c\) was evaluated before all of its parents; more specifically, not all of the requisite upstream information for \(c\)’s compute were passed down prior to triggering its evaluation, since \(b\) was executed after \(c\). To remedy this, we’d need to specify in the traversal implementation that nodes are only to be entered once all of their parents have been executed. Said differently, we should only enter on the last available edge, which implies that all other parents have already executed, and now that the final parent is also done computing we can safely continue flowing downstream since we have the necessary upstream inputs to perform subsequent calculations. In the above example, rather than directly entering \(c\) from \(a\), we’d actually first bounce to the other branch to evaluate \(b\), and only then enter \(c\) from \(b\). The amended traversal path would thus be:
The implementation for VisitLast
looks like this:
//! Traversal strategy that enters the node when entire upstream was already visited and this is the last
//! opportunity to enter the node.
//! In case of cycles, this algorithm is relying on knowledge of number of parents that are causing cycles.
struct VisitLast
//! Call to traverse the graph with a strategy to visit only when no more visits are possible
template <typename Node, typename NodeData>
static VisitOrder tryVisit(Node& node, NodeData& nodeData)
auto requiredCount = node->getParents().size() - node->getCycleParentCount();
auto currentVisit = ++nodeData.visitCount; // increment+read only once. other threads can be doing the same.
if (requiredCount == 0 && currentVisit == 1)
return VisitOrder::eLast;
else if (currentVisit == requiredCount)
return VisitOrder::eLast;
return VisitOrder::eUnknown;
A couple of key factors that are worth mentioning here:
Because nodes connected to root nodes don’t count the latter as parents, we need a special check to allow for such nodes to still be entered (
requiredCount == 0
).When computing the
(i.e. number of visit attempts needed before a node can be entered), we subtract the number of parent cycles on the node. This is to allow the strategy to still enter nodes that are members of cycles, thereby ensuring that the entire graph is capable of being traversed usingVisitLast
To illustrate this last point, suppose that we have the following EF graph \(G_4\):
Let us perform a (partial) serial, DFS traversal through this graph using the VisitLast
policy starting
at \(r\). Going step-by-step:
From \(r\) we try to visit all of its children. Since \(a\) is its only child, we attempt to visit \(a\).
\(a\) has no parents (recall that the root node doesn’t get counted as the parent of any node) and no parent cycles, so
requiredCount == 0
. This is also the first time we’ve attempted to enter \(a\), socurrentVisit == 1
. By these two conditions, the node can be entered.From \(a\) we try to visit all of its children. Since \(b\) is its only child, we attempt to visit \(b\).
\(b\) has 2 parents (\(a\) and \(c\), since both have directed edges pointing from themselves to \(b\)) and 1 parent cycle (formed thanks to \(c\)). Since this is the first time that we’ve visited \(b\),
currentVisit == 1
. Now, suppose that we only computedrequiredCount
based exclusively off of the number of parents, requiredCount = node->getParents().size()
. In this caserequiredCount == 2
, which implies that we’d need to visit both \(a\) and \(c\) first before entering \(c\). But, \(c\) also lies downstream of \(b\) in addition to being upstream (such is the nature of cycles), and the only way to enter \(c\) is through \(b\). So we’d need to enter \(b\) before \(c\), which can only be done if \(c\) is visited, and on-and-on goes the circular logic. In short, using this specific rule we’d never be able to enter either \(b\) or \(c\) (as evidenced by the fact that ourrequiredCount
of 2 is not equal to thecurrentVisit
value of 1). While this could be viable visitation behavior for situations where we want to prune cycles from traversal, theVisitLast
strategy was written with the goal of making all nodes in a cyclic graph be reachable. This is why we ultimately subtract the parent cycle count from the required total – we essentially stipulate that it is not necessary for upstream nodes that are members of the same cycle(s) that the downstream node in question is in to be computed prior to entering the latter. Using this ruleset,requiredCount
for \(b\) becomes 1, and thuscurrentVisit == requiredCount
is satisfied.
We skip the rest of the traversal steps since they’re not relevant to the present discussion.
Here’s an animated example of a serial DFS through graph \(G_1\) that employs the VisitLast
Make sure to read Print all Node Names Recursively in Topological Order for a traversal sample that utilizes the VisitLast
The VisitAll
strategy allows for all edges in an EF graph to be explored. While the previous two strategies are
meant to be used with specific traversal continuation logic in mind (i.e. continuing traversal along the first/last
edge in the VisitFirst
strategies, respectively), VisitAll
is more open-ended in that it encourages
the user to establish how traversal continuation should proceed (this is touched on in more detail
The implementation looks like this:
//! Traversal strategy that allows discovering all the edges in the graph. Traversal continuation is controlled by user
//! code.
struct VisitAll
//! Call to traverse the graph with a strategy to visit all edges of the graph
template <typename Node, typename NodeData>
static VisitOrder tryVisit(Node& node, NodeData& nodeData)
auto parentCount = node->getParents().size();
auto requiredCount = parentCount - node->getCycleParentCount();
auto currentVisit = ++nodeData.visitCount; // increment+read only once. other threads can be doing the same.
if (requiredCount == 0 && currentVisit == 1)
return (VisitOrder::eFirst | VisitOrder::eLast);
VisitOrder ret = VisitOrder::eUnknown;
if (currentVisit > requiredCount)
ret = VisitOrder::eCycle;
else if (currentVisit == requiredCount)
ret = (currentVisit == 1) ? (VisitOrder::eFirst | VisitOrder::eLast) : VisitOrder::eLast;
else if (currentVisit == 1)
ret = VisitOrder::eFirst;
ret = VisitOrder::eNext;
return ret;
Note how we’re outputting the specific type of visit that gets made when processing a given node (i.e. did we
visit a node along its first edge, last edge, a cyclic edge, or something in between), unlike VisitFirst
which only check whether their own respective visit conditions have been met (and output a
result if those conditions aren’t satisfied).
Here’s an animated example of a serial DFS through graph \(G_1\) that employs the VisitAll
strategy and
continues traversal along the first discovered edge:
Make sure to read Print all Edges Recursively and Using Custom NodeUserData for traversal samples
that utilize the VisitAll
Serial vs. Parallel Graph Traversal#
In the previous traversal examples we alluded to the fact that many of the searches were performed serially, as opposed to in parallel. The difference between the two is presented below:
Serial: A single thread is utilized to perform the graph traversal. As a consequence, node visitation ordering will be deterministic, and depends entirely on the order of the corresponding connecting edges. This is why, in both the DFS and BFS examples shown in Next Steps, we visited node \(b\) before node \(c\) when kickstarting the search from node \(a\). While such serial traversal is usually easier to conceptualize – hence their liberal use in this article – it will also be much slower to traverse through a graph than an equivalent parallel search.
Parallel: Multiple threads are utilized to perform the graph traversal. As a consequence, node visitation ordering will not be deterministic, since different threads will begin and end their explorations at varying times depending on a number of external factors (the sizes of the subgraphs that are rooted at each child node, fluctuations in how the OS dispatches threads, etc.); this in turn implies that the generated depth/breadth-first search trees can differ between different concurrent traversals of the same graph. Parallel traversals will typically take significantly less time to complete than their serial counterparts.
Below is an example parallel graph traversal implementation using the APIs.
Store and Print all Node Names Concurrently#
Listing 53 is similar to Listing 26, except that we
now print the node names in parallel by performing the traversal in a multi-threaded fashion and store the results
in an external data container. Here tbb
refer’s to
Intel’s Threading Building Blocks library.
strategy to print and store all top-level visited node names.#tbb::task_group taskGroup;
tbb::concurrent_vector<INode*> nodes;
auto traversal = traverseDepthFirstAsync<VisitFirst>(
[&nodes, &taskGroup](auto info, INode* prev, INode* curr)
[&nodes, info, prev, curr]() mutable
// Increase the chance for race conditions to arise by
// sleeping.
taskGroup.wait(); // Wait for all the parallel work to complete.
// Traversal object now is safe to destroy (which will happen when leaving the scope).
for (INode* const nodeName : nodes)
std::cout << nodeName->getName() << std::endl;
Applying this concurrent traversal to \(G_1\) would produce a list containing \(b\), \(e\), \(g\), \(c\), \(f\), and \(d\), although the exact ordering is impossible to determine thanks to some inherent non-determinisms associated with multi-threaded environments (variability when threads are spawned to perform work, distribution of tasks amongst threads, etc.).
Traversal APIs#
Now that we’ve covered DFS/BFS and Visitation Strategies, let’s bring our attention to the various traversal
API helper methods. Currently there are 4 such traversal functions, all of which can be found in
As the names (somewhat) suggest:
can be used to perform serial DFS.traverseBreadthFirst()
can be used to perform serial BFS.traverseDepthFirstAsync()
can be used to perform both serial and parallel DFS (more on that in a bit).traverseBreadthFirstAsync()
can be used to perform both serial and parallel BFS (more on that in a bit).
It is worth mentioning that:
These methods are templated to include a
type, which refers to the Visitation Strategies from before. This further extends the traversal helpers’ utility by not only making them compatible with the three already-existing visit strategies, but by also allowing users to pass in custom-defined policies for graph exploration, all without ever needing to touch the underlying traversal algorithms. Traversal behavior can thus be tweaked relatively simply and quickly by playing around with the specified visit strategies.The traversal methods are also templated to injest an optional
type struct, which can come in handy when we need to pass in more sophisticated per-node data. See Using Custom NodeUserData for a practical use case.All four of the traversal methods accept a user-defined callback as part of their arguments, which gets evaluated whenever a node is able to be visited. This is where all of the customized traversal logic for the samples provided in Getting Started with Writing Graph Traversals ultimately lives.
don’t implement parallel versions of these algorithms from the get-go; instead, they simply allocate an internalTraversal
object to the heap so that all concurrently-running searches have access to the same object. The actual multithreaded search mechanism needs to be added by the user in the callback, an example of which can be found in Store and Print all Node Names Concurrently. Note that this also means that one could technically usetraverseDepthFirstAsync()
for serial searches by writing the appropriate callbacks, although this is discouraged sincetraverseDepthFirst()
already exist to fulfill that functionality.